Session 09 - JavaScript, Part 2

Harvard Extension School  
Fall 2020

Course Web Site:


  1. JavaScript
  2. Data Formats - JSON
  3. Review: Building a List
  4. Separate JavaScript from HTML Markup wtih "addEventListener"
  5. Table striping with Javascript
  6. Things will go wrong...the Javascript Console is your friend
  7. Your work easier with jQuery
  8. jQuery Plugin - Tablesorter
  9. Separation from Markup
  10. JavaScript - Minifying and CDNs
  11. jQuery Examples
  12. Add Another
  13. Unobtrusive Javascript / Progressive Enhancement
  14. jQuery UI
  15. Slideshow
  16. Form Validation
  17. Javascript Helping with Navigation

Session 09 - JavaScript, Part 2, slide1
JavaScript, slide2
Javascript, slide3
Javascript, slide4
Javascript Resources, slide5
Document Object Model (DOM), slide6
Data Formats - JSON, slide7
Review: Building a List, slide8
Separate JavaScript from HTML Markup wtih "addEventListener", slide9
Table striping with Javascript, slide10
Things will go wrong...the Javascript Console is your friend, slide11
Example: Highlight By Age, slide12
Your work easier with jQuery, slide13
jQuery: Table Striping, slide14
jQuery and $(document).ready();, slide15
jQuery Plugin - Tablesorter, slide16
Tablesorter Example as a JSFiddle, slide17
Separation from Markup, slide18
Separation from Markup, slide19
JavaScript - Minifying and CDNs, slide20
Load Your Core JS Library through a CDN, slide21
jQuery Examples, slide22
Ice Cream, slide23
Check and Uncheck All, slide24
Add Another, slide25
Chaining jQuery, slide26
Unobtrusive Javascript / Progressive Enhancement, slide27
Progressive Enhancement for "add another", slide28
Ice Cream, slide29
jQuery UI, slide30
Tabs with jQuery, slide31
jQuery UI Tabs: NOT for site navigation!, slide32
jQuery UI Tabs: Featured Content Slider, slide33
Rotating Carousels, slide34
Other jQuery UI Widgets, slide35
jQuery Datepicker Widget, slide36
jQuery UI Themes, slide37
Slideshow, slide38
Slideshow, slide39
Form Validation, slide40
Form Validation, slide41
Form Validation, slide42
Javascript Helping with Navigation, slide43
Navigation , slide44
"You are here" with CSS, slide45
"You are here" with JavaScript, slide46
Clamshell Navigation, slide47

Presentation contains 47 slides