Session 01 - The Internet, World Wide Web, Web Browsers, Web Sites, and HTML
- The Internet and the World Wide Web
- A Web Site over Time
- CSCI E-12 Course
- A Web Address - URLs (and URIs)
URL = Uniform Resource Locator
- Components of the Web
- Client-side Web Parts: Markup, Style, Function
- HTML Introduction
- Essential HTML5 Document Structure
- Markup Evolution and Standards
- HTML and XML Syntax for HTML5 — What's the Difference?
- Common HTML5 Elements - Grouping Content
- Lists - ul and li
- Common HTML5 Elements - a element - anchor
- Relative URLs
- File Management
- Course Web Hosting Server: URLs and File locations
Session 01 - The Internet, World Wide Web, Web Browsers, Web Sites, and HTML, slide1
The Internet and the World Wide Web, slide2
The Internet: Schematic, slide3
Types of Traffic on the Internet, slide4
Tim Berners-Lee on The World Wide Web, slide5
Features of the World Wide Web, slide6
Approaching the Web, slide7
A Web Site over Time, slide8
CSCI E-12 Course, slide9
A Web Address - URLs (and URIs)
URL = Uniform Resource Locator, slide10
Components of the Web, slide11
Client-side Web Parts: Markup, Style, Function, slide12
Our Solar System: Markup, slide13
Our Solar System: Markup + Style, slide14
Our Solar System: Markup + Style + Function, slide15
HTML Introduction, slide16
Markup - HTML, slide17
Essential HTML5 Document Structure, slide18
Components of HTML Elements, slide19
Elements, Start Tags, Attributes and values, End Tags, Content, slide20
Markup Evolution and Standards, slide21
Benefits of Web Standards, slide22
HTML and XML Syntax for HTML5 — What's the Difference?, slide23
A Tale of Two Documents, slide24
HTML5, slide25
Most commonly used or seen elements, slide26
Page Structure - header, main, footer, slide27
HTML5 Document Template, slide28
HTML5 Elements - Page Structure, slide29
Common HTML5 Elements - Grouping Content, slide30
article and section and div, slide31
p and div elements, slide32
Harvard Extension School Homepage and div elements, slide33
Lists - ul and li, slide34
Nested Lists - li is a child of ul!, slide35
Lists in Action, slide36
Sections - Headings, slide37
Headings and Lists In Action, slide38
Common HTML5 Elements - a element - anchor, slide39
Creating Links, slide40
Relative URLs, slide41
Absolute and Relative Locations, slide42
Relative Paths to Parent Locations, slide43
File Management, slide44
File Management, slide45
Course Web Hosting Server: URLs and File locations, slide46
Presentation contains 46 slides