Session 08 - JavaScript, Part 1

Harvard University
Extension School

Course Web Site:

Instructor email:
Course staff email:


  1. JavaScript
  2. First Javascript Example and "click" event
  3. Events and Event Attributes
  4. JavaScript and HTML
  5. JavaScript and Forms
  6. Document Object Model (DOM)
  7. Table striping with Javascript
  8. Things will go wrong...the Javascript Console is your friend
  9. Your Work Easier with JavaScript Libraries
  10. jQuery Plugin - Tablesorter
  11. Separation from Markup
  12. Minified JS

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Goals for the JavaScript Unit

Client-side Web Parts: Markup, Style, Function

http client

  • Markup (HTML)
    • Structure
    • Content
  • Style (CSS)
    • Style
    • Presentation
    • Appearance
  • Function (JavaScript)
    • Actions
    • Manipulations

Structure + Style + Function: solarsystem.html

Structure + Style: solarsystem-style.html

Structure: solarsystem-markup.html




"JavaScript is now a language every developer should know."
– Mike Loukides, Vice President of Content Strategy for O'Reilly Media

JavaScript is everywhere: servers, rich web client libraries, HTML5, databases, even JavaScript-based languages. If you've avoided JavaScript, this is the year to learn it. And if you don't, you risk being left behind.

What is it?

What can it do?

Javascript provides programmatic access to virtually all aspects of a page.

Javascript Resources


Javascript: Manipulate Styles

ice cream optionsice cream options

Javascript: Manipulate Content

Javascript: Communicate with Web Server (Ajax)

Javascript: Add functionality

javascript and functionality



ECMAScript and JavaScript

The standard for JavaScript is called ECMAScript.

First Javascript Example and "click" event

Example 8.1 - Javascript Events Illustrated - Example 8.1 (Without Styles) |
<p><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('simple1a').style.backgroundColor='#ff33ff';">Change background color</a></p>
<p id="simple1a">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lobortis orci a odio. Donec cursus, felis eu pulvinar ornare, sem turpis dapibus elit, eget laoreet eros quam vel dolor. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper quis, posuere quis, lacinia a, felis. In tincidunt malesuada pede. Donec varius lacus sed nisi. Donec rhoncus est ac erat. Duis lobortis fringilla eros. Donec volutpat ligula eu neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in massa. Aenean lectus ante, gravida et, luctus id, posuere at, pede. Nam risus orci, rhoncus eu, aliquam ut, interdum ut, orci. Suspendisse rutrum, turpis sed molestie gravida, libero risus iaculis ligula, quis tempor ligula enim vel sem.</p>

In style element (<style type="text/css">) within head element:

body {font-family: Calibri,Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
#simple1a { 
  padding: 1em; 
  border: medium solid black;
  width: 75%;

Change background color

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lobortis orci a odio. Donec cursus, felis eu pulvinar ornare, sem turpis dapibus elit, eget laoreet eros quam vel dolor. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper quis, posuere quis, lacinia a, felis. In tincidunt malesuada pede. Donec varius lacus sed nisi. Donec rhoncus est ac erat. Duis lobortis fringilla eros. Donec volutpat ligula eu neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in massa. Aenean lectus ante, gravida et, luctus id, posuere at, pede. Nam risus orci, rhoncus eu, aliquam ut, interdum ut, orci. Suspendisse rutrum, turpis sed molestie gravida, libero risus iaculis ligula, quis tempor ligula enim vel sem.


Second Javascript Example

Example 8.2 - Javascript Events Illustrated - Example 8.2 (Without Styles) |
<p><a href="#" onclick="setBackgroundColor();">Change background color</a></p>
<p id="simple1b">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lobortis orci a odio. Donec cursus, felis eu pulvinar ornare, sem turpis dapibus elit, eget laoreet eros quam vel dolor. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper quis, posuere quis, lacinia a, felis. In tincidunt malesuada pede. Donec varius lacus sed nisi. Donec rhoncus est ac erat. Duis lobortis fringilla eros. Donec volutpat ligula eu neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in massa. Aenean lectus ante, gravida et, luctus id, posuere at, pede. Nam risus orci, rhoncus eu, aliquam ut, interdum ut, orci. Suspendisse rutrum, turpis sed molestie gravida, libero risus iaculis ligula, quis tempor ligula enim vel sem.</p>

In style element (<style type="text/css">) within head element:

body {font-family: Calibri,Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
#simple1b { 
  padding: 1em; 
  border: medium solid black;
  width: 75%;

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function setBackgroundColor() {
    document.getElementById('simple1b').style.backgroundColor = '#ff33ff';

Making setBackgroundColor function more generic

Take 0

function setBackgroundColor() {
    document.getElementById('simple2').style.backgroundColor = '#ff33ff';

Take 1

Two steps.

function setBackgroundColor() {
    mynode = document.getElementById('simple2'); = '#ff33ff';

Take 2

Two steps. Using variables to define "id" and color.

function setBackgroundColor() {
    var myid = 'simple2';
    var mycolor = '#ff33ff';
    mynode = document.getElementById(myid); = mycolor;
Example 8.3 - Javascript Events Illustrated - Example 8.3 (Without Styles) |
<p><a href="#" onclick="setBackgroundColor();">Change background color</a></p>
<p id="simple2">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lobortis orci a odio. Donec cursus, felis eu pulvinar ornare, sem turpis dapibus elit, eget laoreet eros quam vel dolor. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper quis, posuere quis, lacinia a, felis. In tincidunt malesuada pede. Donec varius lacus sed nisi. Donec rhoncus est ac erat. Duis lobortis fringilla eros. Donec volutpat ligula eu neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in massa. Aenean lectus ante, gravida et, luctus id, posuere at, pede. Nam risus orci, rhoncus eu, aliquam ut, interdum ut, orci. Suspendisse rutrum, turpis sed molestie gravida, libero risus iaculis ligula, quis tempor ligula enim vel sem.</p>

In style element (<style type="text/css">) within head element:

body {font-family: Calibri,Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
#simple2 { 
  padding: 1em; 
  border: medium solid black;
  width: 75%;

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function setBackgroundColor() {
    myid = 'simple2';
    mycolor = '#ff33ff';
    mynode = document.getElementById(myid); = mycolor;

Making setBackgroundColor function more generic

Take 2

Two steps. Using variables to define "id" and color.

function setBackgroundColor() {
    var myid = 'simple2';
    var mycolor = '#ff33ff';
    var mynode = document.getElementById(myid); = mycolor;

Take 3

Passing in values for "id" and "color" when calling the function.

function setBackgroundColor(myid,mycolor) {
    mynode = document.getElementById(myid); = mycolor;
Example 8.4 - Javascript Events Illustrated - Example 8.4 (Without Styles) |
<p><a href="#" onclick="setBackgroundColor('simple3','#33ffff');">Change background color</a></p>
<p id="simple3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lobortis orci a odio. Donec cursus, felis eu pulvinar ornare, sem turpis dapibus elit, eget laoreet eros quam vel dolor. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper quis, posuere quis, lacinia a, felis. In tincidunt malesuada pede. Donec varius lacus sed nisi. Donec rhoncus est ac erat. Duis lobortis fringilla eros. Donec volutpat ligula eu neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in massa. Aenean lectus ante, gravida et, luctus id, posuere at, pede. Nam risus orci, rhoncus eu, aliquam ut, interdum ut, orci. Suspendisse rutrum, turpis sed molestie gravida, libero risus iaculis ligula, quis tempor ligula enim vel sem.</p>

In style element (<style type="text/css">) within head element:

body {font-family: Calibri,Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
#simple3 { 
  padding: 1em; 
  border: medium solid black;
  width: 75%;

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function setBackgroundColor(myid,mycolor) {
    mynode = document.getElementById(myid); = mycolor;

Allow User Input

Example 8.5 - Javascript Events Illustrated - Example 8.5 (Without Styles) |
<p>Background color:
<input type="text" id="background_color"/><br/><button onclick="setBackgroundColor('simple4');" type="submit">Set background color</button></p>
<p id="simple4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lobortis orci a odio. Donec cursus, felis eu pulvinar ornare, sem turpis dapibus elit, eget laoreet eros quam vel dolor. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper quis, posuere quis, lacinia a, felis. In tincidunt malesuada pede. Donec varius lacus sed nisi. Donec rhoncus est ac erat. Duis lobortis fringilla eros. Donec volutpat ligula eu neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in massa. Aenean lectus ante, gravida et, luctus id, posuere at, pede. Nam risus orci, rhoncus eu, aliquam ut, interdum ut, orci. Suspendisse rutrum, turpis sed molestie gravida, libero risus iaculis ligula, quis tempor ligula enim vel sem.</p>

In style element (<style type="text/css">) within head element:

body {font-family: Calibri,Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
#simple4 { 
  padding: 1em; 
  border: medium solid black;
  width: 75%;

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function setBackgroundColor(myid) {
    mynode = document.getElementById(myid);
    mycolor = document.getElementById('background_color').value; = mycolor;

Events and Event Attributes

EventEvent Attribute

Some Events Illustrated

Example 8.6 - Javascript Events Illustrated - Example 8.6 (Without Styles) |
<li><a href="#" onclick="setBackgroundColor('p1','#ff3333');">Click to make "red"</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="setBackgroundColor('p1','#3333ff');">Click to make "blue"</a></li>
<li><a href="#" ondblclick="setBackgroundColor('p1','#33ff33');">Double Click to make "green"</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onmouseover="setBackgroundColor('p1','#ffff33');" onmouseout="setBackgroundColor('p1','#cccccc');">Mouseover to make "yellow" and mouseout to make "gray"</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onkeypress="setBackgroundColor('p1','#ff33ff');">Keypress to make "magenta"</a></li>
</ul><p id="p1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lobortis orci a odio. Donec cursus, felis eu pulvinar ornare, sem turpis dapibus elit, eget laoreet eros quam vel dolor. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper quis, posuere quis, lacinia a, felis. In tincidunt malesuada pede. Donec varius lacus sed nisi. Donec rhoncus est ac erat. Duis lobortis fringilla eros. Donec volutpat ligula eu neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in massa. Aenean lectus ante, gravida et, luctus id, posuere at, pede. Nam risus orci, rhoncus eu, aliquam ut, interdum ut, orci. Suspendisse rutrum, turpis sed molestie gravida, libero risus iaculis ligula, quis tempor ligula enim vel sem.</p>

In style element (<style type="text/css">) within head element:

body {font-family: Calibri,Tahoma,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
#p1 { 
  padding: 1em; 
  border: medium solid black;
  width: 75%;

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function setBackgroundColor(myid,mycolor) {
    mynode = document.getElementById(myid); = mycolor;
    return false;

js events

JavaScript and HTML

Script element in HTML/XML syntax should have separate end tag!

To function in all browsers, script element should have an explicit end tag. Best:
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" > </script>
Do not use:
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" />

JavaScript in HTML

External Script
<script src="path/to/javascript/file.js" type="text/javascript" > </script>
Script within HTML document
<script type="text/javascript">
   JavaScript code as content of script element
"Inline" scripts as values of event attributes (Avoid!)
<a href="#" 
  Size Window to 1024 x 768

JavaScript and Forms

Exposing Additional Form Elements

Additional relevant form elements are exposed based upon user input. Here, this is achieved by having the entire form in the markup, with a certain section hidden via CSS (display: none;). If "Yes" is chosen, the display property is changed to "block" through JS.

Example 8.7 - Exposing Additional Form Elements - Example 8.7 (Without Styles) |
<form method="get" name="ice_cream" id="ice_cream" action="">
<div>Would you like ice cream?<br/>
<input type="radio" name="want" id="ic_yes" value="yes" onclick="displayIceCreamOptions()"/><label for="ic_yes">Yes</label><br/>
<input type="radio" name="want" id="ic_no" value="no" onclick="displayIceCreamOptions()"/><label for="ic_no">No</label></div><fieldset id="icecream_options" style="display: none;"><legend>Ice Cream Options</legend><p>How would you like it?</p>

<input type="radio" id="container_cup" name="container" value="cup"/><label for="container_cup">Cup</label><br/>
<input type="radio" id="container_cone" name="container" value="cone"/><label for="container_cone">Cone</label><br/><p>Pick your toppings:</p>

<input type="checkbox" name="toppings" id="toppings_wc" value="whipcream"/><label for="toppings_wc">Whipped cream</label><br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="toppings" id="toppings_j" value="jimmies"/><label for="toppings_j">Jimmies</label><br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="toppings" id="toppings_nuts" value="nuts"/><label for="toppings_nuts">Nuts</label><br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="toppings" id="toppings_cherry" value="cherry"/><label for="toppings_cherry">Cherry</label></fieldset><p>
<input type="submit"/></p>


In style element (<style type="text/css">) within head element:

#icecream_options {
    background-color: #eee;
    margin-left: 2em;

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function displayIceCreamOptions() {
    var divico = document.getElementById('icecream_options');
    var inputYes = document.getElementById('ic_yes');
    if (inputYes.checked == true) { = 'block'; 
    } else { = 'none'; 

ice cream options

ice cream options

JS: Form Validation

Validate form input using the onsubmit event attribute.

Things to note:

Example 8.8 - Simple Form Validation - Example 8.8 |
<form onsubmit="return Validate(this)" method="get" action="">
<div><label for="YourName1">Enter your name</label>:
<input type="text" id="YourName1" name="YourName"/><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit Information"/></div>

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function Validate(myForm) {
  if(myForm.YourName.value == null || myForm.YourName.value == "") {
    console.log("in failure branch");
    alert("Please enter your name!");
    myForm.YourName.focus(); = '#ff3';
    return false;
  } else {
    console.log("in success branch");
    return true;


Form Validation and Regular Expressions

Q. What if we want to test for a string pattern other than "null" or "empty"?...
A. Regular Expressions!

Simplified Regular Expression for an email address:


beginning of the string
[square brackets] indicate a character class
"\w" is a word character
"+" means 1 or more times
the "@" part of the email address
matches the TLD (dot something, where something is 2 to 7 letters
end of string
Example 8.9 - Form Validation with Regular Expressions - Example 8.9 | JavaScript example9.js |
<form onsubmit="return Validate(this)" method="get" action="">
<div><label for="email1">Email Address</label>:
<input type="text" size="32" name="email" id="email1"/><br/>
<input type="submit"/></div>

In head element:

<script type="text/javascript" src="example9.js"> </script>

Contents of example9.js

/* validates that the entry is formatted as an email address */
function Validate(thisForm) {
    var tocheck =;
    var re = /^[\w\._-]+@[\w\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,7}$/;
    if (!tocheck.match(re)) {
        alert("Please verify the email address format.");; = '#ff9';
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;

js form validatoin

Document Object Model (DOM)

web page
dom tree

    <title>My Schools</title>
    <h1>My Schools</h1>
        <a href="">Harvard University</a><br/>
        <img src="images/veritas.gif" alt="Harvard Shield" height="84" width="72"/>
        <a href="">University of Kansas</a><br/>
        <img src="images/KUSeal.gif" alt="University of Kansas Seal" height="73" width="72"/>

Javascript and DOM: Building Content

DOM create nodes

And do the same for the other three seasons to get:
DOM create nodes

Javascript and DOM: Building Content

Example 8.10 - Example 8.10 |
 <div id="seasonslist1"><p><button onclick="makeSeasonsList(); return false;" type="submit">Click to append list of seasons</button></p>

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function makeSeasonsList() {
    var ul_node = document.createElement("ul");

    // Autumn
    var li_node1 = document.createElement("li");
    var li_text1 = document.createTextNode("Autumn");

    // Winter 
    var li_node2 = document.createElement("li");
    var li_text2 = document.createTextNode("Winter");
    // Spring
    var li_node3 = document.createElement("li");
    var li_text3 = document.createTextNode("Spring");

    // Summer
    var li_node4 = document.createElement("li");
    var li_text4 = document.createTextNode("Summer");

    // Append the list items to the ul

    // Place on page
    var container = document.getElementById("seasonslist1");

Javascript and DOM: Building Content

Using an array (a list).

var seasons = ['Spring','Summer','Autumn','Winter'];

Iterate through Array

Example 8.11 - Example 8.11 |
 <div id="seasonslist2"><p><button onclick="makeSeasonsList();" type="submit">Click to append list of seasons</button></p>

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function makeSeasonsList() {
    ul_node = document.createElement("ul");
    var seasons = ['Spring','Summer','Autumn','Winter'];
    for (i in seasons) {
      var mytext = i + " " + seasons[i];
      var text_node = document.createTextNode(mytext);
      var li_node = document.createElement("li");
    var container = document.getElementById("seasonslist2");

Using forEach array method

Example 8.12 - Example 8.12 |
 <div id="seasonslist3"><p><button onclick="makeSeasonsList();" type="submit">Click to append list of seasons</button></p>

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function makeSeasonsList() {
    ul_node = document.createElement("ul");
    var seasons = ['Spring','Summer','Autumn','Winter'];
      var text_node = document.createTextNode(s);
      var li_node = document.createElement("li");
    var container = document.getElementById("seasonslist3");

Using a name/value object

{"seasons" : ['Spring','Summer','Fall','Winter']}

Example 8.13 - Example 8.13 |
 <div id="seasonslist2"><p><button onclick="makeSeasonsList(); return false;" type="submit">Click to append list of seasons</button></p>

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

function makeSeasonsList() {
  ul_node = document.createElement("ul");
  var mydata= {"seasons":['Spring','Summer','Fall','Winter']}
  var seasons = mydata.seasons;
    for (i in mydata.seasons) {
      var mytext = i + " " + seasons[i];
      var text_node = document.createTextNode(mytext);
      var li_node = document.createElement("li");
    var container = document.getElementById("seasonslist2");

Table striping with Javascript

function stripeTable(tableid) {
  var mytable = document.getElementById(tableid);
  // get tbody (i.e. we do not want to stripe the thead)
  var mytbody = mytable.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
  /*   getElementsByTagName gives us a Node List, so we need
     to access it as a list (Array), arrayname[i].
     Find all the tr within the tbody
  var myrows =  mytbody[0].getElementsByTagName('tr');
  /*  Iterate over the node list of "tr" returned, setting
      the class appropriately
  for(var i=0; i<myrows.length; i++) {
    if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) {
      // even row -- the "%" operator is the "modulus" or remainder
    } else {
      // odd row

Things will go wrong...the Javascript Console is your friend

js error

function stripeTable(tableid) {
  var mytable = document.getElementById(tableid);
  console.log("mytable is:");
  // get tbody (i.e. we dont' want to stripe the thead)
  var mytbody = mytable.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
  console.log("mytbody is:");
  /*   getElementsByTagName gives us a Node List, so we need
     to access it as a list (Array), arrayname[i].
     Find all the tr within the tbody
  var myrows =  mytbody[0].getElementsByTagName('tr');
  console.log("myrows is:");
  console.log("myrows length is: " + myrows.length);
  /*  Iterate over the node list of "tr" returned, setting
      the class appropriately
  for(var i=0; i<myrows.length; i++) {
      var senatorname = myrows[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
    if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0) {
      // even rows
      console.log("row with index of " + i + " is evenRow");
    } else {
      // odd rows
      console.log("row with index of " + i + " is oddRow");

console.log() allows you output messages to a console.

Your Work Easier with JavaScript Libraries


What is jQuery?
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.


jQuery Home

jQuery: Table Striping

Let's get started with jQuery by "striping" a table. The plain table comes from a list of United States Senators.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        $("#senatetable tbody tr:even").addClass('evenRow');
        $("#senatetable tbody tr:odd").addClass('oddRow');

Plain table:

Striped table:

jQuery and $(document).ready();


See: $(document).ready() for more explanation, including the shorthand of $().

jQuery Plugin - Tablesorter

Query Tablesorter Plugin makes dealing with tables even easier!

$(document).ready(function() { 
    "theme": "blue",
    "widgets": [

Data passed to the "tablesorter" plugin:

    "theme": "blue",
    "widgets": [

Sortable table:

Tables are constructed with thead and tbody. Simply by giving them a class="sortable", the jQuery Tablesorter Plugin makes them 'sortable' and 'striped':


Senate data used with permission from GovTrack.US.
Table sorting is achieved through jQuery and the jQuery Tablesorter Plugin

Tablesorter Example as a JSFiddle

Tablesorter Example as a JSFiddle

Separation from Markup

In an earlier example, we used the "onclick" attribute to specify a javascript function to call:
hide-show.html | Hide/Show as JSFiddle

javascript onclick

Separation from Markup

Let's see how we can do this with jQuery. Items to note:

Example 8.14 - JS Separation from Markup - Example 8.14 |
<div id="cscie12-course2" style="font-family: calibri,verdana,tahoma,helvetica,sans-serif; float: left; width: 50%; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; border: medium solid black; background-color: #ffb;"><h3>CSCI E-12: Fundamentals of Website Development</h3><p>Harvard Extension School<br/>David Heitmeyer<br/>CSCI E-12</p>
<p id="cscie12-description2">This course provides a comprehensive overview of website development. Students explore the prevailing vocabulary, tools, and standards used in the field and learn how the various facets including HTML5, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, multimedia, scripting languages, HTTP, clients, servers, and databases function together in today's web environment. The course provides a solid web development foundation, focusing on content and client-side (browser) components (HTML5, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, multimedia), with an overview of the server-side technologies. In addition, software and services that are easily incorporated into a website (for example, maps, checkout, blogs, content management) are surveyed and discussed. Students produce an interactive website on the topic of their choice for the final project and leave the course prepared for more advanced and focused web development studies.</p>
</div><div style="width: 20%; float: left; margin-left: 2em;"><p><strong>Hide/Show/Toggle Description</strong></p>
<li><a href="#" id="hide">Hide</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="show">Show</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="toggle">Toggle</a></li>

In script element within head element (<script type="text/javascript">):

$(document).ready(function() {
    function(event) {


Minified JS

Comments and unnecessary whitespace are removed.

Minify Your JS (and CSS)

Some tools you can use to minify your JS:

Load Your Core JS Library through a CDN

MaxCDN (jQuery CDN), Google, Microsoft, and host several JS libraries through their CDNs.
Using jQuery with a CDN

Why Use a CDN?

See: 3 reasons why you should let Google host jQuery for you (or any other CDN)


Copyright © David Heitmeyer