Session 02 - Markup (HTML)

Harvard Extension School  
Fall 2022

Course Web Site:


  1. Essential Questions to Consider
  2. HTML5
  3. HTML Purpose
  4. Common HTML5 Elements - Grouping Content
  5. Lists - ul and li
  6. Common HTML5 Elements - a element - anchor
  7. Common HTML5 Elements - Text Level Semantics
  8. Entities - what's this &name-or-number;?
  9. Common HTML5 Elements - Embedded content
  10. WAVE - Accessibility Evaluation Tool
  11. Section-level elements
  12. Workflow
  13. Version Control
  14. What about: <meta charset="utf-8">

Session 02 - Markup (HTML), slide1
Essential Questions to Consider, slide2
Components of the Web, slide3
Client-side Web Parts: Structure, Style, Function, slide4
HTML5, slide5
HTML5, slide6
Most commonly used or seen elements, slide7
Learning about HTML elements, slide8
HTML Elements - the basic building blocks structure, slide9
HTML Elements, slide10
HTML Purpose, slide11
HTML Document Structure, slide12
Web Page Structure: header, main, footer, slide13
Wait a minute — head and header?, slide14
nav element - navigation, slide15
Common HTML5 Elements - Grouping Content, slide16
article and section and div, slide17
p and div elements, slide18
Lists - ul and li, slide19
Nested Lists - li is a child of ul!, slide20
Lists in Action, slide21
Sections - Headings, slide22
Headings and Lists In Action, slide23
Common HTML5 Elements - a element - anchor, slide24
Creating Links, slide25
Common HTML5 Elements - Text Level Semantics, slide26
span element, slide27
Line Breaks and white space characters (br element), slide28
Entities - what's this &name-or-number;?, slide29
Common HTML5 Elements - Embedded content, slide30
Accessibility Principle: Provide text alternatives for non-text content., slide31
WAVE - Accessibility Evaluation Tool, slide32
Section-level elements, slide33
Parts of a Page, slide34
Workflow, slide35
Version Control, slide36
What about: <meta charset="utf-8">, slide37
Character Sets and Encoding, slide38
Unicode and utf-8, slide39
Character Sets and Encoding, slide40

Presentation contains 40 slides

Essential Questions to Consider

Components of the Web

web parts

1. Web Browser (HTTP Client)

http clienthttp client

2. Web Server (HTTP Server)


3. Communication

Communication between the web browser and web server, including how they communicate (HTTP) and the network.

Client-side Web Parts: Structure, Style, Function

web parts

Structure, Style, Function





115 elements defined in HTML5 HTML5 Logo

More information: HTML5 Living Standard from the WHATWG. Section 4 contains the List of elements in HTML.

I've highlighted the two dozen or so elements that you will use most commonly.

Most commonly used or seen elements

HTML5 Logo Start with these 24 — these are elements you will use in most of your web pages, or that you'll find in a majority of web pages.

Learning about HTML elements

How to find out more about HTML elements?

Two places that I would start are:

HTML Elements - the basic building blocks structure

A Hypertext Link

Markup for a Hypertext link:

<a href="">Harvard</a>

How it would render in a web browser:
Harvard Link in a web browser

element anatomy

Start Tag
<a href="">Harvard</a>

Element Name
<a href="">Harvard</a>

<a href="">Harvard</a>

Attribute Value
<a href="">Harvard</a>

<a href="htts://">Harvard</a>

End Tag
<a href="">Harvard</a>

HTML Elements

Content can be other elements


ul and li nodes

ul is an unordered list
li is a list item

Sometimes you will have more than one attribute

<img src="images/kitten.jpg" alt="Cute kitten playing wih a ball of yarn" />

img node with two attributes

img is to embed an image

Some elements are "empty"

Note the "end tag" is part of the "start tag" — <link />

            <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/site.css" />

img node with two attributes

link is used to reference a CSS stylesheet, a separate document that contains style rules to apply to the HTML document

HTML Purpose

Think about three aspects of structure:

  1. HTML document structure
    html, head, body
  2. Web page structure
    header, main, nav, footer
  3. Content structure
    Headings (h1, h2, h3), lists (ul and li), paragraphs (p), images (img), text, etc.

Example: solarsystem.html

HTML Document Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Document Title</title>
    <!-- content goes here -->

Web Page Structure: header, main, footer


MDN HTML elements reference: header, main, footer.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Document Title</title>
    <header> <!-- page header --> </header>
    <main> <!-- main content goes here --> </main>
    <footer> <!-- page footer --> </footer>

Wait a minute — head and header?

Yes, there are "head" and "header" elements.

They are different!

Used in all HTML documents as part of the essential HTML document structure. head contains information for your browser about the web page. Not for human consumption!
Used to group or define introductory portion of a web page, which is often consistent throughout the site. Header typically contains visual site title, navigation, etc. For web page content, think header, main, footer!

header, main, footer

nav element - navigation

An example from WebAIM: Web Accessibility in Mind


    <li><a href="services/">services</a></li>
    <li><a href="articles/">articles</a></li>
    <li><a href="resources/">resources</a></li>
    <li><a href="projects/">projects</a></li>
    <li><a href="community/">community</a></li>

Common HTML5 Elements - Grouping Content

article and section and div

When to use each?

  1. Self-contained with a heading? - use article
  2. Not self-contained but with a heading? - use section
  3. Otherwise, use div

p and div elements

p element

The p element is used to group paragraphs.

Example 2.1 - p element - Example 2.1

 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat nisi at sapien. Phasellus varius tincidunt ligula. Praesent nisi. Duis sollicitudin. Donec dignissim, est vel auctor blandit, ante est laoreet neque, non pellentesque mauris turpis eu purus.
 <p>Suspendisse mollis leo nec diam. Vestibulum pulvinar tellus sit amet nulla fringilla semper. Aenean aliquam, urna et accumsan sollicitudin, tellus pede lobortis velit, nec placerat dolor pede nec nibh. Donec fringilla. Duis adipiscing diam at enim. Vestibulum nibh.
 <p>Proin sollicitudin ante vel eros. Nunc tempus. Quisque vitae quam non magna mattis volutpat. Ut a risus. Fusce bibendum sagittis magna.

div element - division

The div element is to group block-level content, and is typically used to define parts of the page so that CSS rules can be applied specifically to those parts.

Example 2.2 - div element - Example 2.2

 <div class="part1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat nisi at sapien. Phasellus varius tincidunt ligula. Praesent nisi. Duis sollicitudin. Donec dignissim, est vel auctor blandit, ante est laoreet neque, non pellentesque mauris turpis eu purus.
 <div class="part2">Suspendisse mollis leo nec diam. Vestibulum pulvinar tellus sit amet nulla fringilla semper. Aenean aliquam, urna et accumsan sollicitudin, tellus pede lobortis velit, nec placerat dolor pede nec nibh. Donec fringilla. Duis adipiscing diam at enim. Vestibulum nibh.
 <div class="part3">Proin sollicitudin ante vel eros. Nunc tempus. Quisque vitae quam non magna mattis volutpat. Ut a risus. Fusce bibendum sagittis magna.

In style element (<style>) within head element:

div.part1 {margin: 1.5em; padding: 2em; color: white; background-color: green;}
div.part2 { color: purple; margin: 1em; padding: 2em; border: medium solid purple;}
div.part3 { background-color: orange; margin: 0.5em; padding: 1em; font-size: smaller;}

Lists - ul and li

Lists are very useful, both for:

There are three types of lists:

Example 2.3 - Unordered List - Example 2.3

   <li>Ice Cream
   </li> </ul>
Example 2.4 - Nested Unordered List - Example 2.4

       </li>     </ul>
   <li>Potato Chips
       <li>Art's and Mary's
       <li>Tim's Cascade
       <li>Cape Cod
       </li>     </ul>
   </li> </ul>
Example 2.5 - Ordered List - Example 2.5

   <li>Boil water
   <li>Measure tea (approximately 1 tsp. per 6 oz. cup)
   <li>Steep tea for 3 to 5 minutes
Example 2.6 - Description Lists (terms and definitions or details) - Example 2.6

   <dt>bread   </dt>
   <dd>a usually baked and leavened food made of a mixture whose basic constituent is flour or meal   </dd>
   <dt>butter   </dt>
   <dd>a solid emulsion of fat globules, air, and water made by churning milk or cream and used as food   </dd> </dl>

Nested Lists - li is a child of ul!

Keep in mind that the only allowed child of a ul element is an li element. So in a nested list, the nested ul needs to contained within the li:

ul must be within li
<li>Potato Chips
        <li>Art&apos;s and Mary&apos;s</li>
        <li>Tim&apos;s Cascade</li>
        <li>Cape Cod</li>

<li>Potato Chips</li>
        <li>Art&apos;s and Mary&apos;s</li>
        <li>Tim&apos;s Cascade</li>
        <li>Cape Cod</li>

Sometimes this is confusing, since in the "HTML" form of HTML5, the end tags are options for li, so while it may appear that you can have a ul as a child of ul, you really can't -- there's an implied end-tag there.

Correct HTML serializationCorrect XML serialization

<li>Potato Chips
        <li>Art&apos;s and Mary&apos;s
        <li>Tim&apos;s Cascade
        <li>Cape Cod

<li>Potato Chips
        <li>Art&apos;s and Mary&apos;s</li>
        <li>Tim&apos;s Cascade</li>
        <li>Cape Cod</li>

Lists in Action

Harvard Homepage - lists are outlined in magenta and list items in green. Note that some lists are "horizontal" and some are "vertical" -- exactly how a list is rendered can be controlled by CSS

harvard home page with lists and list items highlighted

harvard home page with lists and list items highlighted

Sections - Headings

Any single heading element wasn't technically only our "top" list, but collectively (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6), these are important!

<h1>Primary Heading (1st)</h1>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...</p>
<h2>Secondary Heading (2nd)</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...</p>
<h3>Tertiary Heading (3rd)</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...</p>
<h4>Quarternary Heading (4th)</h4>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...</p>
<h5>Quinary Heading (5th level)</h5>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...</p>
<h6>Senary Heading (6th level)</h6>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit...</p>

Headings and Lists In Action

Heading elements (h1,h2,etc.) and lists (ul,li) combined with CSS are very powerful. Headings can remain headings in markup and CSS can style them as desired. Lists can remain lists in markup (navigation, content items, etc.) and CSS can style them as desired.

DCE Home 2013 Annotated

Common HTML5 Elements - a element - anchor

The anchor — a — element is at the center of the key "hypertext" feature of the web. The a element is how to create hyperlinks from resource to another!

To go along with the a element is the href attribute. The value of the href attribute is the URL that the browser will load when the link is activated (e.g. a mouse click).

The following paragraph was taken from "'Sunshine vitamin' looks a little brighter", Harvard Gazette, February 5, 2013:


<p>Adequate levels of
  <a href="">vitamin D</a>
  during young adulthood may reduce the risk of adult-onset
  <a href="">type 1 diabetes</a>
  by as much as 50 percent, according to researchers at the
  <a href="">Harvard School of Public Health</a>
  (HSPH). If confirmed in future studies, the findings could lead to a role for vitamin D
  supplementation in preventing this serious autoimmune disease in adults.</p>


Adequate levels of vitamin D during young adulthood may reduce the risk of adult-onset type 1 diabetes by as much as 50 percent, according to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). If confirmed in future studies, the findings could lead to a role for vitamin D supplementation in preventing this serious autoimmune disease in adults.

Creating Links

Build confidence by making your links predictable and differentiable.


Common HTML5 Elements - Text Level Semantics

span element

The span element is a cousin to the div element -- in that it is used primarily for styling purposes, except that it is geared towards "inline" content.

Example 2.7 - span element - Example 2.7

 <div class="citation">
   <span class="author">Berners‐Lee, Tim   </span>.
   <span class="title">
     <a href="">We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet     </a>   </span>
   <span class="journal">New Perspectives Quarterly   </span>31.3 (2014): 39-41. Web.

In style element (<style>) within head element:

.citation .journal { font-style: italic; }
.citation span.title::before { content: '"';}
.citation span.title::after { content: '." ';}

See: Inline elements and Block elements from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network)

Line Breaks and white space characters (br element)

Since "white space" characters are ignored in rendering HTML, the br element is used for explicit line breaks.

Examples below are from the first part of Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Example 2.8 - Using br for line breaks - Example 2.8
| Example 2.8 JSFiddle | Example 2.8 GistExample 2.8 bl.ocks

 <p style="background-color: #ffc">Using br for line breaks:
 <p>Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
 <p style="background-color: #ffc">Line breaks and spaces in HTML code don't render...(exception below):
 <p>Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five: Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year.
 <p style="background-color: #ffc">...except in the "pre" (preformatted) element:
 <pre>Listen, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five: Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. </pre>


You can use a non-breaking space (&#160; or &nbsp; character entities) for spaces that won't be collapsed:

<p style="background-color: #ffc">You can use a non-breaking space (&amp;#160; or &amp;nbsp; character entities):</p>
Listen, my children, and you shall hear<br/>
&#160;&#160;&#160;Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,<br/>
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:<br/>
&#160;&#160;&#160;Hardly a man is now alive<br/>
Who remembers that famous day and year.

Entities - what's this &name-or-number;?

Common HTML5 Elements - Embedded content

img element

HTML documents do not contain the images themselves, but merely contain references to the images to be displayed. Common image file types are:

Example 2.9 - img element - Example 2.9

 <img src="" alt="Harvard University Extension School Shield" height="330" width="287"/>
Example 2.10 - 'img' element with an anchor - Example 2.10

 <a href="">
   <img src="" alt="Harvard University Extension School Shield" height="330" width="287"/>

Accessibility Principle: Provide text alternatives for non-text content.

The alt attribute is used to specify a short text alternative when using the img element.

Accessibility essentials:

The power of the Web is in its universality.
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.

Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

WAVE - Accessibility Evaluation Tool

Section-level elements

HTML5 defines elements that can be used to represent sections:

See: Usage Summary for Section Elements

Parts of a Page


extension school header


extension school footer


extension school nav


(Edit, Save, Browser Check, [Validation Check]) × repeat

Note: Live Server extension in VS Code will help!


  1. Download ZIP, unzip or extract, move to designated work area
  2. (Edit, Save, Browser Check, [Validation Check]) x repeat
  3. Decide when you are finished and ready to submit
    1. Publish to course web server:
      1. Connect to Harvard VPN through Cisco AnyConnect app
      2. Cyberduck (SFTP program)
      3. connect
      4. navigate to
        public_html/[YOUR OBSCURE FOLDER]
      5. copy local assignment folder to server
      6. check in browser[Your Obscure Folder]/[assignment path]/
      7. From your browser, copy the URL of the assignment folder that you just published and submit in Canvas
    2. Submit ZIP file
      1. ZIP assignment folder up
      2. Submit ZIP file in Canvas

Version Control

Some basics

Experiment Fearlessly with Branches

gitflow simple

Start Using Git

Git Tools

Remote Repositories - GitHub and code.harvard (Harvard's GitHub)

Recommendation to Start for those new to Git!

What about: <meta charset="utf-8">

Character Sets and Encoding

Character Sets

character encoding d9

Unicode and utf-8

What is Unicode?

Unicode provides a unique number for every character,
no matter what the platform,
no matter what the program,
no matter what the language.

from What is Unicode?, The Unicode Consortium

Different Encodings for Unicode

Letter/characters maps to a "code point". Different ways of arranging the bytes to represent the code points.

Want more? See:

Character Sets and Encoding

Character Sets

character encoding d9