CSS Properties and Values
CSS Properties
CSS Level 1 lists 53 properties.
- Font Properites
- font-family
- font-style
- font-variant
- font-weight
- font-size
- font
- Color and Background Properties
- color
- background-color
- background-image
- background-repeat
- background-attachment
- background-position
- background
- Text Properties
- word-spacing
- letter-spacing
- text-decoration
- vertical-align
- text-transform
- text-align
- text-indent
- line-height
- Box Properties
- margin-top
- margin-right
- margin-bottom
- margin-left
- margin
- padding-top
- padding-right
- padding-bottom
- padding-left
- padding
- border-top-width
- border-right-width
- border-bottom-width
- border-left-width
- border-width
- border-color
- border-style
- border-top
- border-right
- border-bottom
- border-left
- border
- width
- height
- float
- clear
- display
- Classification Properties
- white-space
- list-style-type
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style
CSS Level 2.1 lists 115 properties.
- azimuth
- background
- background-attachment
- background-color
- background-image
- background-position
- background-repeat
- border
- border-bottom
- border-bottom-color
- border-bottom-style
- border-bottom-width
- border-collapse
- border-color
- border-left
- border-left-color
- border-left-style
- border-left-width
- border-right
- border-right-color
- border-right-style
- border-right-width
- border-spacing
- border-style
- border-top
- border-top-color
- border-top-style
- border-top-width
- border-width
- bottom
- caption-side
- clear
- clip
- color
- content
- counter-increment
- counter-reset
- cue
- cue-after
- cue-before
- cursor
- direction
- display
- elevation
- empty-cells
- float
- font
- font-family
- font-size
- font-style
- font-variant
- font-weight
- height
- left
- letter-spacing
- line-height
- list-style
- list-style-image
- list-style-position
- list-style-type
- margin
- margin-bottom
- margin-left
- margin-right
- margin-top
- max-height
- max-width
- min-height
- min-width
- orphans
- outline
- outline-color
- outline-style
- outline-width
- overflow
- padding
- padding-bottom
- padding-left
- padding-right
- padding-top
- page-break-after
- page-break-before
- page-break-inside
- pause
- pause-after
- pause-before
- pitch
- pitch-range
- play-during
- position
- quotes
- richness
- right
- speak
- speak-header
- speak-numeral
- speak-punctuation
- speech-rate
- stress
- table-layout
- text-align
- text-decoration
- text-indent
- text-transform
- top
- unicode-bidi
- vertical-align
- visibility
- voice-family
- volume
- white-space
- widows
- width
- word-spacing
- z-index
CSS Level 3 has several hundred properties.
See MDN CSS reference index of properties.