Extraordinary Distinction - "Extras" for your site
Work in one area that is beyond the "core" requirements of three pages implemented. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, some of which are listed below. Please identify in your report the work in this category!
The topics below also fit into the category of "things you should know about" coming out of a fundamentals course about website development. This is a good reason to dive into a topic that is of particular interest to you.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and analytics. Pay attention to the various "meta" tags that may be useful for your site, including ones for Opengraph, Twitter, Schema.
- Page and Site Optimization. Analyze with Lighthouse (or Pagespeed or webpagetest.org) and implement improvements. Give us your starting point and report your scores/results after improvements.
- Using web server configurations, set appropriate caching directives and custom error documents. Host your site on a third party hosting service such as Dreamhost.
- Optimize design for multiple browser widths. Design with at least one breakpoint in mind, perhaps even two.
- Accessibility analysis. Start with WAVE tool (site or browser extension); interact with your page and site with only your keyboard; try another tool such as ARC Toolkit or Siteimprove.
- More in-depth with CSS or JS. Maybe you are going beyond the basics with your CSS or JavaScript -- let us know!