On your computer, create a "course work folder" to keep your work for the course. I recommend something
like cscie12-work on your Desktop.
For Assignments
Get things ready
Download the assignment ZIP file.
Unzip or Extract the ZIP file.
Move the folder into your "course work folder" you created above. Move the entire folder.
Start Visual Studio Code, and "File → Open Folder" and navigate to the assignment folder to open. In VS Code, I recommend always opening the assignment folder as opposed to opening individual files (treat the assginment folder contents as a unit!)
Use VS Code "Live Server" to provide a place to check your work.
The Main Work of the Assignment!.
Edit the HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript. Save.
Periodically check in the browser (a reload may be needed) as well as other checks that may be needed such as validation or accessibility.
Repeat the "Edit, Check" cycle until you've satisfied the rubric, yourself, or when the assignment is due.
Submit your assignment.
Publish your assignment folder to your course web hosting account
Connect to Harvard VPN (Cisco AnyConnect Client), SFTP (Cyberduck) entire assignment folder to your public_html/obscure_folder directory
Check in your browser that you can access your work. Copy the URL in your browser, and submit that URL via Canvas
ZIP up the assignment folder and submit that via Canvas. Yes, we need to have both a URL and ZIP file for your work.