Think like a web developer (programmer, content, project management)
Learn syntax of HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Break problems down in parts and build parts up to whole in iterations
Learn tools and workflows to improve results and efficiency
Understand how things relate to one another.
Troubleshoot effectively when things are not working as expected.
Key factors for success in the course
Complete and submit the assignments (and to do this you'll likely need to watch the class recordings, attend or view sections, engage in the readings or other resources)
Connect with students and course staff
Engage with resources available to you: class meetings, sections, Slack, textbook, office hours
start early (even if it is just reading through it)
work outside the context of an assignment to understand a concept (use a 'playground' folder or Codepen or JSFiddle), then apply that to the assignment.
leave yourself time to review and revise an assignment
Running into roadblocks? Communicate early with David or your TA through Slack or Canvas Inbox