More JSON objects
In short, a JSON object is an unordered list of name/value pairs.
A JSON object example:
Note that the object (collection of name/value pairs) is enclosed in {curly braces}.
The name/value pair has a colon after the name (i.e. name: value), and the name/value pairs are separated by a comma.
So the object above represents the following:
Name | Value |
lastName | Bacow |
firstName | Lawrence | |
JSON Array
In short, a JSON array is an ordered sequence of values. Values are strings (in quotes), numbers, arrays, objects, or boolean (true/false) values.
A JSON array example
Strings, Objects, and Arrays can all be values!
In the examples above, we've shown the values as strings (e.g. "Spring" or "Bacow"). But values can also be arrays or objects. Below is a more complex JSON object that includes two name/value pairs whose values are an array of strings ("seasons") and the other an array of objects ("days"):
There are several online JSON viewers and validators you can use that are helpful for exploring, writing, or validating JSON structures: