span element

The span element is a cousin to the div element -- in that it is used primarily for styling purposes, except that it is geared towards "inline" content.

Example 2.7 - span element - Example 2.7

 <div class="citation">
   <span class="author">Berners‐Lee, Tim   </span>.
   <span class="title">
     <a href="">We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet     </a>   </span>
   <span class="journal">New Perspectives Quarterly   </span>31.3 (2014): 39-41. Web.

In style element (<style>) within head element:

.citation .journal { font-style: italic; }
.citation span.title::before { content: '"';}
.citation span.title::after { content: '." ';}
Berners‐Lee, Tim. We Need a Magna Carta for the InternetNew Perspectives Quarterly 31.3 (2014): 39-41. Web.

See: Inline elements and Block elements from MDN (Mozilla Developer Network)