Float Opposite

Use float: left and float: right for content to be on opposite sides.

Example 4.13 - float left and right - Example 4.13 (Without Styles)

 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat nisi at sapien. Phasellus varius tincidunt ligula. Praesent nisi. Duis sollicitudin. Donec dignissim, est vel auctor blandit, ante est laoreet neque, non pellentesque mauris turpis eu purus.
   <nav class="course">
     <a href="http://cscie12.dce.harvard.edu/">CSCI E-12 Home     </a>|
     <a href="mailto:cscie12@dce.harvard.edu">cscie12@dce.harvard.edu     </a>   </nav>
   <nav class="global">
     <a href="http://www.harvard.edu/">Harvard University     </a>|
     <a href="http://www.extension.harvard.edu/">Extension School     </a>   </nav> </footer>

In style element (<style>) within head element:

footer {
  background-color: #fcf;
  border-top: thin solid #333;
footer nav.course { float: left; }
footer nav.global { float: right; }
footer nav {
  padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 0.5em;
  font-size: 0.8rem;
  font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;
footer nav a:link,
footer nav a:visited,
footer nav a:hover,
footer nav a:active {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: navy;
  font-weight: bold;
  padding: 0.25em;
footer nav a:hover {
  color: #fff;
  background-color: navy;

float opposite

The background color of the parent footer did not display. The p elements within the footer have been "floated," therefore they have been removed from the calculation of the box model of the footer. The parent footer size is null.


Example 4.14 - float left and right and parent footer - Example 4.14 (Without Styles)

 <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed feugiat nisi at sapien. Phasellus varius tincidunt ligula. Praesent nisi. Duis sollicitudin. Donec dignissim, est vel auctor blandit, ante est laoreet neque, non pellentesque mauris turpis eu purus.
   <nav class="course">
     <a href="http://cscie12.dce.harvard.edu/">CSCI E-12 Home     </a>|
     <a href="mailto:cscie12@dce.harvard.edu">cscie12@dce.harvard.edu     </a>   </nav>
   <nav class="global">
     <a href="http://www.harvard.edu/">Harvard University     </a>|
     <a href="http://www.extension.harvard.edu/">Extension School     </a>   </nav> </footer>

In style element (<style>) within head element:

footer {
    background-color: #fcf;
    border-top: thin solid #333;
    overflow: auto;
  footer nav.course { float: left; }
  footer nav.global { float: right; }
  footer nav {
    padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 0.5em;
    font-size: 0.8rem;
    font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;
  footer nav a:link,
  footer nav a:visited,
  footer nav a:hover,
  footer nav a:active {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: navy;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 0.25em;
  footer nav a:hover {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: navy;

float opposite