Best Practices

Use semantic "class" and "id" values

You can choose class and id values when authoring your CSS and HTML. A good rule is to create "logical" class and id values and not "descriptive" ones. Remember, you've gone to the trouble of separating markup and presentation -- keep this separation when creating class names.

If you can guess how the class is styled based upon the name, this should cause you to consider changing the name.

Good Class/ID NamesPoor Class Names
  • pageheader
  • pagefooter
  • globalnav
  • gallery
  • aside
  • callout
  • warn
  • info
  • error
  • blueborder
  • rightcolumn
  • rightnav
  • thinborder
  • redbold
  • center

Choosing class and id names appropriately will help with:

Copyright © David Heitmeyer