Harvard Extension Courses in Biological Sciences

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Biological Sciences

BIOS E-1a Section 1 (13096)

Fall 2022

Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology

Casey J. Roehrig PhD, Manager of Instructional Development, Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning, Harvard University - Zofia Gajdos PhD, Manager of Instructional Development, Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning, Harvard University

This introductory series focuses on the principles of cellular and organismal biology. BIOS E-1a topics include the molecular basis of life, energy and metabolism, and genetics. BIOS E-1b builds on the foundation established in BIOS E-1a and covers the origin of life and principles of evolution, and anatomy and physiology. Laboratory sections scheduled throughout the series allow students to reinforce concepts covered in lecture. The series fulfills current medical school requirements for one year of introductory biology.

Prerequisites: High school mathematics, chemistry, and biology; although CHEM E-1a and CHEM E-1b, or their equivalents, are not required, they are strongly recommended.

BIOS E-1b Section 1 (22957)

Spring 2023

Introduction to Organismic and Evolutionary Biology

Casey J. Roehrig PhD, Manager of Instructional Development, Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning, Harvard University - Katherine Zink PhD

This introductory series focuses on the principles of cellular (BIOS E-1a) and organismal (BIOS E-1b) biology. BIOS E-1a topics include the molecular basis of life, energy and metabolism, and genetics. BIOS E-1b builds on the foundation established in BIOS E-1a and covers the origin of life and principles of evolution, and anatomy and physiology. Laboratory sections scheduled throughout the series allow students to reinforce concepts covered in lecture. The series fulfills current medical school requirements for one year of introductory biology.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a, or the equivalent.

BIOS E-10 Section 1 (24316)

Spring 2023

Introduction to Biochemistry

Robin Lynn Haynes PhD, Principal Associate in Pathology, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Roopali Roy PhD, Instructor in Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

This course provides an overview of the main aspects of biochemistry by relating molecular interactions to their effects on the organism as a whole, especially as related to human biology. The organization of macromolecules is addressed through a discussion of their hierarchical structure, and a study of their assembly into complexes responsible for specific biological processes. Topics addressing protein function include enzyme kinetics, the characterization of major metabolic pathways, and their interconnection into tightly regulated networks.

Prerequisites: Introductory biology and chemistry.

BIOS E-10 Section 1 (14563)

Fall 2022

Introduction to Biochemistry

Robin Lynn Haynes PhD, Principal Associate in Pathology, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Roopali Roy PhD, Instructor in Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

This course provides an overview of the main aspects of biochemistry by relating molecular interactions to their effects on the organism as a whole, especially as related to human biology. The organization of macromolecules is addressed through a discussion of their hierarchical structure, and a study of their assembly into complexes responsible for specific biological processes. Topics addressing protein function include enzyme kinetics, the characterization of major metabolic pathways, and their interconnection into tightly regulated networks.

Prerequisites: Introductory biology and chemistry.

BIOS E-12 Section 1 (22965)

Spring 2023

Principles and Techniques of Molecular Biology

Alain Viel PhD, Senior Lecturer on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

Students gain in-depth knowledge of nucleic acid structure, molecular genetics, and the biochemistry of transcription and protein synthesis. Working from this foundation, students explore mechanisms of gene regulation in prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses. The roles played by gene regulation and rearrangement in diseases are also examined. One large project comprises three linked laboratory exercises that introduce students to important recombinant DNA and protein expression techniques. Students learn about the construction of an expression plasmid and assays for normal promoter function.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a or the equivalent.

BIOS E-14 Section 1 (26516)

Spring 2023

Principles of Genetics

Frederick R. Bieber PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School

This is a general course in genetics providing a broad view of gene action from the molecular to the population levels, with emphasis on eukaryotes. Topics include bacterial and viral genetics, Mendelian genetics, mutation and DNA repair, forensic DNA technology, chromosome structure and function, genomics, and population and evolutionary genetics. The course also covers legal, ethical, and policy considerations for use of genetic technology.

Prerequisites: MATH E-8, BIOS E-1a and BIOS E-1b, and CHEM E-1a and CHEM E-1b, or the equivalent.

BIOS E-16 Section 1 (25918)

Spring 2023

Cell Biology

Colles Price PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Head of Oncology, Vizgen

This course cultivates an understanding of eukaryotic cellular and subcellular structure, with close attention to structure/function relationships that govern cellular processes at the molecular level. We examine the differences between several eukaryotic model systems, including fission and budding yeast, slime mold, plants, and mammalian cells in culture. We further discuss the specific experimental techniques amenable to the study of cell biology in each system and how discoveries made using model organisms have influenced modern cell biology.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a, or the equivalent.

BIOS E-18 Section 1 (14330)

Fall 2022


Maria E. Miara PhD, Associate Professor of Biology, Brandeis University

Evolution is such a major tenet of modern biological theory that in 1973, evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky penned that "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." This course provides a comprehensive introduction to evolutionary biology. Students are introduced to both short-term and long-term evolutionary processes and they explore the patterns that result from those processes. Topics covered include the history of evolutionary theory, evidence for evolution, the origin of life, the origin of animals and the Cambrian explosion, genetic evolution, natural selection, sexual selection, species and speciation, human evolution, and evolutionary issues in modern society.

Prerequisites: An introductory organismal biology course such as BIOS E-1b.

BIOS E-26 Section 1 (16879)

Fall 2022

Clinical Comparative Medicine: Evolutionary Perspectives on Mental and Physical Health

Barbara Natterson Horowitz MD, Lecturer on Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University

The leading causes of mortality and morbidity in women from cardiovascular disease and mammary or ovarian cancers to infertility, sexual transmitted infections, and post-partum bio-behavioral disorders also impact female animals across the tree of life. This course explores the species-spanning and evolutionary origins of medical, surgical, and psychiatric illnesses, emphasizing issues in women's health. Students develop skills in developing and analyzing phylogenetic models of a wide range of pathologies from mammary, ovarian, and endometrial cancer to heart failure, infertility, and osteoporosis. Mental health issues including post-partum depression are also placed in a broadly comparative and evolutionary context with this exploration of psychopathology in animals presented as an opportunity for students to examine the origins of human mental health stigma. Students gain in-depth exposure to one health and planetary health perspectives and a set of analytical tools they can apply to better understand the nature of health (women's and general) and disease when they enter medical school.

BIOS E-30 Section 1 (16171)

Fall 2022

Epigenetics, Epitranscriptomics, and Gene Regulation

Amy Tsurumi PhD, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School

This course is designed to introduce students to the field of epigenetics and epitranscriptomics, and gene regulatory mechanisms that occur without changes in the underlying DNA sequence. Molecular mechanisms we cover in depth include DNA and RNA modifications, histone modifications, chromatin remodeling, non-coding RNAs, and RNA editing. We discuss studies describing the role of epigenetics and epitranscriptomics in various developmental events, the natural aging process, environmental exposures, and malignancies such as cancer, obesity, neurological disorders, and inflammatory diseases. We also learn about molecular techniques and model organisms commonly used in epigenetics research.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-12 or the equivalent.

BIOS E-40 Section 1 (13099)

Fall 2022

Introduction to Proteomics

Alain Viel PhD, Senior Lecturer on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

The completion of several genome projects, including the Human Genome Project, has further fostered a systems-based approach to biology. The goal is to determine how all the genes in a genome act and how their products interact to produce a functional organism. Proteomics seeks to identify and to characterize all the proteins synthesized in a cell or a tissue. Based on this information, one can then try to understand how individual proteins or protein collectives function within an organism. The first half of the course focuses on current methodology used to analyze and identify proteins. This includes protein electrophoresis, chromatography, mass spectrometry, and protein database analysis. The second half of the course focuses on case studies derived from the current scientific literature. This includes comparisons between healthy and diseased tissues, new approaches to analyze metabolic pathways, and the comprehensive analysis of protein-protein interactions in different cell types.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a, or the equivalent; BIOS E-12 recommended.

BIOS E-45 Section 1 (26515)

Spring 2023

Introduction to Genomics

Arezou Ghazani PhD, Director of Clinical Genomics, Brigham Genomic Medicine and Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School

This course provides an overview of human and comparative genomic studies, genomic architecture, numerical and structural variations, and regulatory mechanisms of the genome. The course topics include current and novel practices in genome interrogations, global copy number variation (CNV) assessment, sequencing, and data analysis. This course cultivates an understanding of functional genomics and genomic malfunction, genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and the new field of personal genomics, along with discussions on social and ethical impacts resulting from advances in genomics studies.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a and BIOS E-1b, CHEM E-1a and CHEM E-1b, or the equivalent.

BIOS E-50 Section 1 (13097)

Fall 2022


Laura Magnotti PhD, Lecturer on Neuroscience, Harvard University

This course examines the structure and function of the mammalian nervous system by examining the molecules, cells, and circuits that are involved in directing our behavior. We explore how the nervous system is constructed during development, how it adapts with experience throughout life, how it functions in normal behavior, and how it can be disrupted by injury and disease.

Prerequisites: Introductory biology, or permission of the instructor. For graduate-credit students, successful completion of BIOS E-200 or equivalent.

BIOS E-52 Section 1 (15683)

Fall 2022

The Neurobiology of Pain

Ryan W. Draft PhD, Lecturer on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

This course explores the neurobiological systems and mechanisms underlying both acute and chronic pain. Topics include nociceptive and sensory systems, molecular basis and modulation of pain, neuroanatomy of peripheral and central pain circuits, pain pathologies, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. The emphasis is on understanding basic neurobiological concepts underlying pain systems and reading and discussing the primary scientific research in the field.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a, or the equivalent.

BIOS E-53 Section 1 (26229)

Spring 2023

Brain Invaders: Pathogens of the Central Nervous System

Laura Magnotti PhD, Lecturer on Neuroscience, Harvard University

The brain has evolved a unique but very effective system to protect itself from invaders. In this course, we explore the specific defenses that the nervous system uses to protect itself. We also examine how some pathogens evade or breach those defenses and the impact of those invasions. Finally, we explore how scientists have been able to translate their understanding of these pathogenic mechanisms into technologies for research and therapeutic applications.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a or the equivalent.

BIOS E-60 Section 1 (23186)

Spring 2023


Mihaela G. Gadjeva PhD, Associate Director, Bacteriology, Moderna

How does the immune system work? What are the molecular and cellular components and pathways that protect an organism from infectious agents or cancer? This comprehensive course answers these questions as it explores the cells and molecules of the immune system. The topics discussed during the first half of the course cover the structure, function, and genetics of the molecules of the immune system, including antibodies, B- and T-cell receptors, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins, and cytokines; and processes of lymphocyte development and antigen presentation. During the second half of the course, the lectures focus on how the individual components of the immune system work together to fight bacterial, fungal, or viral infections. In addition to introducing basic concepts of tumor immunity and immune system deficiencies, special emphasis is placed on a COVID-19 pandemic. Through discussion of clinical case studies, we understand what measures need to be taken to design therapies and vaccines. The course emphasizes the research and development opportunities for therapeutic intervention arising from recent advances in immunology (for example the application of therapeutic antibodies and recombinant molecules such as CAR-T cell therapies as potential drug treatments). Upon completion of the course students have a sound understanding of the essential elements of the immune system, preparing them to engage further in this rapidly evolving field.

Prerequisites: Background in biology, biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology is helpful.

BIOS E-65c Section 1 (13387)

Fall 2022

Clinical Anatomy and Physiology I

Britt Stockton Lee MD, PhD, Clinical Simulation Faculty, MEDscience Simulation Lab, Harvard Medical School

This course is an immersive introduction to human anatomy and physiology from a clinical perspective. Students gain a functional understanding of the systems of the body and the structure and function of the tissues that comprise them. Using real-life clinical scenarios, students use their newfound basic science knowledge to assess and diagnose pathologies of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine, urinary, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a and BIOS E-1b, algebra, introductory geometry.

BIOS E-65d Section 1 (23232)

Spring 2023

Clinical Anatomy and Physiology II

Britt Stockton Lee MD, PhD, Clinical Simulation Faculty, MEDscience Simulation Lab, Harvard Medical School

This course is a continuation of BIOS E-65c. Students gain a functional understanding of the systems of the body and the structure and function of the tissues that comprise them. Using real-life clinical scenarios, students use their newfound basic science knowledge to assess and diagnose pathologies of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine, urinary, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a, BIOS E-1b, BIOS E-65c, algebra, introductory geometry.

BIOS E-67 Section 1 (16167)

Fall 2022

Introduction to Pharmacology

Kate Ellen McDonnell-Dowling PhD, Lecturer on Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School and Associate Director of Curriculum, HMX

It is often thought that studying pharmacology involves memorizing drug names and chemical pathways, but in reality this subject is built upon a few simple concepts. This course aims to cover these fundamental concepts of pharmacology including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and toxicology. Learning materials are delivered online through HMX, a digital learning initiative from the faculty of Harvard Medical School. The HMX pharmacology course has been created by a highly skilled interdisciplinary team of Harvard Medical School educators and creative professionals. Using integrated multimedia elements and didactic visuals the HMX course focuses on bringing foundational concepts in pharmacology to life via real-world and clinical applications. Students also participate in a live component where they have the opportunity to dive deeper into these pharmacological concepts and work on problem-solving activities in weekly sessions with their instructor. In addition to receiving course credit, students have the opportunity to earn a certificate from Harvard Medical School. A certificate of achievement or a certificate of completion can be earned by those who attain certain thresholds within the course. Students registered in this course have access to the HMX pharmacology course. They should not enroll separately in the HMX course.

Prerequisites: Introductory biology and biochemistry are strongly recommended.

BIOS E-70 Section 1 (24809)

Spring 2023

Introduction to Epidemiology

Jennifer Fonda PhD, Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, and Epidemiologist, Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System

How can you design a study to evaluate the risk factors associated with the recent reversal in life expectancy in the United States? How do you assess the benefits and risks related to the recent cancer screening guidelines? This course introduces the basic principles and methods of epidemiology and demonstrates the applicability to public health and medicine. The goal of this course is to provide fundamental skills needed to begin to interpret and critically evaluate literature relevant to public health. Topics include measures of disease frequency and association, epidemiologic study designs, sources of bias and error, screening, and applications to public health.

Prerequisites: Basic quantitative skills essential; familiarity with medical terminology helpful.

BIOS E-72 Section 1 (16122)

Fall 2022

Infectious Diseases in a World of Changing Climate, Drug Resistance, and Vaccine Hesitancy

Narges Dorratoltaj PhD, Director, Life and Health Modeling, Verisk

Despite the availability of control measures, infectious diseases are emerging and re-emerging. These outbreaks emphasize the importance of understanding the epidemiology of infectious diseases through qualitative and quantitative methods. This course introduces the basics of infectious disease epidemiology and modeling, disease surveillance methods, dynamics of transmission, and assessment of prevention and control measures. The epidemiology of different diseases based on route of transmission (food-borne, water-borne, vector-borne, or air-borne) along with common and recently emerged infectious diseases (COVID-19, influenza, malaria, Ebola, Zika, and antimicrobial resistance pathogens) are discussed. Finally, we explore some modeling techniques to understand the epidemiology and dynamics of infectious disease outbreaks to help public health officials make more informed decisions. We consider the political, demographic, and social changes that have an impact on public health.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a, MATH E-8, and MATH E-15, or the equivalent.

BIOS E-107 Section 1 (24579)

Spring 2023

Introduction to Medical Neuroscience

Daniel L. Roe PhD, Research Instructor, Neurology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

This course presents students with an introduction to the major topics in neurological injury and disease. The student is introduced to the signs, symptoms, and underlying causes of a variety of conditions. Specific topics discussed include aneurysms, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, prosopagnosia, aphasia, contralateral neglect, neuropathy, meningioma, acoustic schwannoma, epidural and subdural hematoma, and pituitary tumor among others. Emphasis is on the neuroanatomical basis of injury and disease, and how this informs our understanding.

Prerequisites: Some background in basic biology is helpful.

BIOS E-117 Section 1 (15790)

Fall 2022

Human Impact and the Marine Environment

Daniel Hoer PhD, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University and Physical Scientist, United States Environmental Protection Agency

As human population grows, our collective influence is becoming an almost ubiquitous feature in the natural world, and the marine environment is no exception. Presently, more than fifty percent of the global human population lives within 120 miles of a coastline, exerting tremendous pressure on marine environments. Using approachable primary literature as our guide, this course addresses the vast and diverse ecosystems within the global ocean to develop an understanding of oceanic processes and how they are impacted by human activity. We address a variety of human-induced stressors with the goal of understanding their source, how their effects manifest themselves, and how society can work to remove these stressors and correct their impacts.

Prerequisites: High school chemistry and biology recommended but not required.

BIOS E-123 Section 1 (25897)

Spring 2023

Reproductive Biology: Physiological, Evolutionary, and Behavioral Aspects

Daniel Spratt MD, Professor of Medicine, Maine Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine

This course undertakes a multidisciplinary exploration of reproductive function in humans, including physiology and evolution as well as the impact on behavior and society. Examples in other species ranging from seasonal reproductive physiology and behavior in deer to effects of testosterone on songbirds' vocalizations and behavior help provide perspectives on the complex process of human reproduction and the intricacy of its regulation by hormones. The ability of humans to understand and manipulate the influence of these hormones has had an impact on our lives, healthcare system, and society. The impact on society ranges from significant advances in women's health to passionate controversies on limiting reproduction to scandals involving androgen use in sports. The impact of androgens and estrogens on cognition and behavior is an evolving field in neuroscience, business, and politics.

Prerequisites: Introductory biology or physiology or BIOS E-163.

BIOS E-129 Section 1 (25750)

Spring 2023

Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology

Julie Park PhD, Preceptor in Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University - Saige Lorraine Pompura PhD, Preceptor in Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University

We are entering a new era in which a fundamental understanding of developmental biology and regeneration will play a critical role. In this course, embryonic and adult stem cells in different organisms are examined in terms of their molecular, cellular, and potential therapeutic properties. Genetic reprogramming and cloning of animals are critically evaluated. Ethical and political considerations are also considered.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a and BIOS E-1b, or the equivalent; knowledge of cell, molecular, or developmental biology is recommended.

BIOS E-155 Section 1 (24224)

Spring 2023

Medical Microbiology

Matthew Schaefers PhD, Instructor in Anaesthesia and Research Associate, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Nikolaus Jilg MD, PhD, Instructor in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School - Sarah Osmulski MD, Resident Physician, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital

This course introduces students to the microbial species that cause human disease. We cover bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, and discuss current topics including antibiotic resistance, public health threats, and the microbiome. There is no laboratory component to this course.

Prerequisites: Basic molecular and cellular biology (BIOS E-1a or equivalent).

BIOS E-162b Section 1 (16782)

Fall 2022

Human Pathophysiology II

Nancy Long Sieber PhD, Adjunct Lecturer on Physiology, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

This course focuses on the pathophysiology of the human nervous, endocrine, gastrointestinal, and reproductive systems. Common mechanisms of pathogenesis are examined, including injury, autoimmunity, and neoplasia. These systems are linked by our focused examination of several conditions as they affect the body as a whole. We focus on pain, stress, and spinal cord injuries, as well as the consequences of obesity. Please note that Human Pathophysiology I, offered in alternate years, is not a prerequisite for this course.

Prerequisites: A normal human or animal physiology course is recommended, but not required.

BIOS E-163 Section 1 (25898)

Spring 2023

Human Endocrine Physiology

Daniel Spratt MD, Professor of Medicine, Maine Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine

This course delves into the fascinating ways in which hormones influence the body's development and function. Initial lectures describe the nature of different hormones and how they exert their actions. Subsequent lectures explore how hormones regulate body functions including growth and reproduction, thyroid and metabolism, calcium and bones, nutrition, and salt/fluid balance. Clinical examples from both health and disease as well as evolutionary and historical perspectives are used liberally to illustrate points. We also explore how this physiology can be used to understand and treat diverse medical disorders such as diabetes, infertility, abnormal sexual differentiation and puberty, and osteoporosis.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a and BIOS E-1b, or introductory physiology.

BIOS E-166 Section 1 (26222)

Spring 2023

Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathologies

Jennifer A. Carr PhD, Lab Instructor, Salem State University

This course reviews pathological conditions of the cardiovascular and respiratory system and how these conditions affect normal function of the organ systems. Students examine the causes, symptoms, and treatments for various cardiac and respiratory diseases and conditions at the cellular, organ, and organismal level. Cardiovascular topics covered include vascular pathobiology, aneurysm, myocardial ischemia, myocarditis, cardiac arrythmias, cardiomyopathies, valve disorders and replacements, and congenital heart diseases. Respiratory topics include obstructive lung diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); restrictive lung diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis; lung cancer; infectious pulmonary diseases such as COVID-19 and pneumonia; pulmonary vascular diseases; environmental lung diseases; neurorespiratory disorders; and conditions caused by acute trauma such as a pneumothorax. Clinical case studies and primary source literature are used to examine the effectiveness of particular medical procedures and treatments.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-65c or the equivalent.

BIOS E-179 Section 1 (26188)

January 2023

Experimental Molecular Genetics

Alain Viel PhD, Senior Lecturer on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

This intensive January session course is designed to give students an opportunity to design experiments and analyze data. Under the guidance of the instructor and teaching assistant, students work in small teams to design experiments and test their designs online. The objective is to teach students basic techniques in molecular biology including recombinant polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cloning and protein expression in bacteria. Students assemble synthetic genes from parts and analyze the contribution of these parts in the regulation of gene expression, from transcription to translation. They develop analytical skills, learn how to design experiments, and how to work on open-ended questions. By the end of the course, students present a research paper detailing their findings. Students also submit a weekly description of their experimental designs. Relevant readings from reviews and primary literature are assigned.

BIOS E-200 Section 1 (22950)

Spring 2023

Proseminar: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology

Margaret A. Lynch PhD, Director of Undergraduate-Faculty Research Partnerships, Brandeis University

This proseminar is designed to teach students many of the writing and analytical skills that are required to succeed in graduate-level courses in the biological sciences. Through critical reading and presentation of research articles, students learn how to form questions that can be addressed experimentally and how to write a corresponding, testable hypothesis. This course also addresses the process of experimental design and current experimental methodologies in biology. Students are given multiple opportunities to hone their writing skills on several short writing assignments and a final writing project due at the end of the semester. Because skills learned in this course are useful in subsequent courses, it is the first course that prospective Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) candidates should take toward the degree (or the second, if they are completing the expository writing prerequisite). While not designed to be a thesis or capstone proposal course (students will complete the official proposal course later in their degree program), it does serve as a foundation for eventual work on the thesis or capstone. This is the required admission course for the Master of Liberal Arts, biology. Students interested in the Master of Liberal Arts, biotechnology, should see BIOT E-200.

Prerequisites: A satisfactory score on the mandatory test of critical reading and writing skills or a B or higher grade in the alternate expository writing course. In addition, at the first class meeting students must complete a writing assignment that demonstrates their graduate-level reading comprehension and ability to write coherent, logical arguments. Molecular biology (BIOS E-12 or the equivalent) and EXPO E-42c are highly recommended.

BIOS E-200 Section 1 (16872)

Fall 2022

Proseminar: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Biology

Mihaela G. Gadjeva PhD, Associate Director, Bacteriology, Moderna

This proseminar is designed to teach students many of the writing and analytical skills that are required to succeed in graduate-level courses in the biological sciences. The course is organized around discussion of topics derived from peer-reviewed published research in the fields of mucosal immunology, microbiology, and virology. We discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and attempt to understand disease pathogenesis, innate responses, and vaccine design. We also learn about human microbiome and how its presence alters susceptibility to infection. We discuss how microbiome-derived metabolites can control the immune system and learn how diet, probiotics, and/or microbiota-released metabolites ensure health. Through critical reading and presentation of research articles, students practice asking research questions that can be addressed experimentally and write testable hypothesis. This course also addresses the process of experimental design and current experimental methodologies in biology. Students are given multiple opportunities to hone their writing skills on several short writing assignments and a final writing project due at the end of the semester. Because skills learned in this course are useful in subsequent courses, it is the first course that prospective Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) candidates should take toward the degree (or the second, if they are completing the expository writing prerequisite). While not designed to be a thesis or capstone proposal course, this course does serve as a foundation for eventual work on the thesis or capstone. This is the required admission course for the ALM, biology. Students interested in the ALM, biotechnology, should see BIOT E-200.

Prerequisites: A satisfactory score on the mandatory test of critical reading and writing skills or a B or higher grade in the alternate expository writing course. In addition, at the first class meeting students must complete a writing assignment that demonstrates their graduate-level reading comprehension and ability to write coherent, logical arguments. Molecular biology (BIOS E-12 or the equivalent) and EXPO E-42c are highly recommended.

BIOS E-204 Section 1 (26504)

Spring 2023

Developmental and Regenerative Biology

William J. Anderson PhD, Senior Lecturer on Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Harvard University

The field of developmental biology provides insights on a most interesting question: how do all of the cells in our bodies arise from a single cell, the fertilized egg? This graduate seminar probes this question through critical analysis of the primary literature. Both classical as well as contemporary papers are scrutinized. We cover topics ranging from fertilization, organogenesis, patterning, regeneration, and aging, with a focus on humans whenever possible.

Prerequisites: One year of introductory biology (BIOS E-1a and BIOS E-1b, or equivalent); developmental biology (BIOS E-55) and/or stem cell biology (BIOS E-129) strongly recommended. Graduate proseminar (BIOS E-200) recommended but not required.

BIOS E-207 Section 1 (26199)

Spring 2023

Forensic Pathology

Dennis Cullinane PhD, Director, Science Instruction and Premedical Program, Harvard Extension School

This course explores injury analysis and the determination of trauma etiology and mechanics. Starting with an examination of injury and emergency department tables from the Centers for Disease Control, students move on to case analyses and self and team-run investigations. Topics include, but are not limited to, intentional versus unintentional trauma, ballistic trauma, child abuse, intimate partner violence, motor vehicle accidents, penetrating trauma, and various other methods of intentional trauma.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-65c or BIOS E-65d, or equivalent.

BIOS E-245 Section 1 (25920)

Spring 2023

CRISPR-Gene Editing Applications for Healthcare and Biotechnology

Alain Viel PhD, Senior Lecturer on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University

CRISPR is a recent gene-editing technology providing an efficient, effective, and precise solution to genetic engineering with applications in the healthcare, biotechnology, and agriculture industries. CRISPR has a promising potential to transform diseases treatments, contribute to food security, or even aid biofuel production. Using real-world case studies, the course illustrates CRISPR's potential to cure inherited genetic disorders, to treat infectious diseases such as HIV, and to advance the fight against cancer. When applicable, the impact and possibilities of the outcomes of CRISPR's applications on the healthcare industry are discussed. The course also discusses the applications of CRISPR in the biotechnology industry and their roles in the development of disease-resistant cultivars, improving food yields, and allowing biofuels to become a viable alternative energy source.

Prerequisites: BIOS E-1a or the equivalent.