Harvard Extension Courses in Arabic

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ARAB E-1 Section 1 (13547)

Fall 2022

Intensive Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I

Muhammad A. Habib PhD, Preceptor in Arabic, Harvard University

This course is designed for students who have not previously studied Arabic and introduces the script, sounds, and basic grammar of the language. Emphasis is placed on developing proficiency in all four skills (reading, speaking, listening, and writing), as well as an understanding and appreciation of Arabic culture.

ARAB E-2 Section 1 (23418)

Spring 2023

Intensive Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II

Muhammad A. Habib PhD, Preceptor in Arabic, Harvard University

This course is the continuation of ARAB E-1 and is designed to reinforce and build upon what has been covered during the first semester. This is a proficiency-based course; emphasis is placed on the development of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills for the purpose of communicative goals. These technical aspects are acquired through the context of Arab cultures. By the end of this course, students are able to communicate about everyday situations, both verbally and in writing; understand the use of basic grammatical structures; acquire an understanding of fundamental cultural values, practices, and perspectives of native speakers of Arabic; develop productive listening skills; and enjoy using the language creatively.

Prerequisites: ARAB E-1 or the equivalent.

ARAB E-3 Section 1 (16853)

Fall 2022

Intermediate Modern Arabic I

Muhammad A. Habib PhD, Preceptor in Arabic, Harvard University

This intermediate-level course is designed for students who have knowledge of the basic grammatical and lexical features of the Arabic language. It enables students to further strengthen their language skills in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) by increasing the degree of fluency and spontaneity of language use, and adequacy of interaction and understanding of key aspects of the Arab culture. Students broaden their range of vocabulary for active use, acquire control of higher-level Arabic grammar, and increase their listening and reading comprehension, interactive and creative speaking, and writing skills. The course incorporates individual and group work, oral presentations, in-class discussions, and debates. The course focuses on introducing different aspects of Arab culture and society. In addition, students are exposed to the contemporary language of the media. Also, students read selected short stories and poems by a number of prominent Arab writers.

Prerequisites: ARAB E-1 and ARAB E-2.

ARAB E-4 Section 1 (26519)

Spring 2023

Intermediate Modern Arabic II

Muhammad A. Habib PhD, Preceptor in Arabic, Harvard University

This intermediate-level course is designed for students who know the Arabic language's basic grammatical and lexical features. It enables students to further strengthen their language skills in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) by increasing the fluency and spontaneity of language use and adequacy of interaction and understanding of critical aspects of Arab culture. Students broaden their range of vocabulary for active use, acquire control of higher-level Arabic grammar, and increase their listening and reading comprehension, interactive and creative speaking, and writing skills. The course incorporates individual and group work, oral presentations, class discussions and debates, and daily homework using digitized tools such as Flipgrid, Kahoot, Quizlet, and others. Arabic is the only medium of instruction and communication during the program. The course focuses on introducing different aspects of Arab culture and society. In addition, students are exposed to the contemporary language of the media.

Prerequisites: ARAB E-3 or the equivalent.