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Department - LATI

LATI E-1a Section 1 (14239)

Fall 2024

Beginning Latin I

Ivy Livingston PhD, Senior Preceptor in Classics, Harvard University

This course is a first step in reading Latin, which was the language not only of ancient Rome, but also of science, culture, and more in Europe until the early modern era and is still in use today. The course focuses on classical Latin (as it would have been written, for example, by Julius Caesar), but engages with a variety of texts including inscriptions and graffiti. Ancient texts are supplemented with modern ones to help develop not only fluency in reading continuous narratives but also the cultural knowledge that is necessary to understand Latin literature.

LATI E-1b Section 1 (25493)

Spring 2025

Beginning Latin II

Ivy Livingston PhD, Senior Preceptor in Classics, Harvard University

This course continues to develop reading ability in Latin, building on the skills learned in LATI E-1a. Readings include inscriptions and short texts mainly from the classical period (such as the poetry of Martial), as well as longer mythological stories written for learners.

Prerequisites: LATI E-1a or the equivalent.

LATI E-2a Section 1 (16590)

Fall 2024

Intermediate Latin I

Ivy Livingston PhD, Senior Preceptor in Classics, Harvard University

This course follows LATI E-1a and LATI E-1b. Students progress from the straightforward narratives and short inscriptions of the introductory courses to more complex authentic and adapted texts. Readings are from the classical period to the middle ages and from various genres, including lyric poetry and history. After this course, students have experience with most of the standard forms and syntax of Latin and should be prepared for further literature courses or independent study.

Prerequisites: LATI E-1a and LATI E-1b or equivalent background; please consult with the instructor.

LATI E-2b Section 1 (26172)

Spring 2025

Intermediate Latin II

Ivy Livingston PhD, Senior Preceptor in Classics, Harvard University

In this course, students transition to reading more extensive passages of unadapted literature, beginning with a passage from the Vulgate (the fourth-century Latin translation of the Bible). The main texts are a mythological story of transformation from Ovid's epic poem, Metamorphoses and part of Julius Caesar's account of his invasion of Britain. This course is intended for students who have begun (or are beginning) to read classical Latin texts that include all the standard grammatical structures of the language.

Prerequisites: LATI E-2a or equivalent.