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Earth and Planetary Sciences 21 The Dynamic Earth: Geology and Tectonics Through Time
Richard J. O'Connell

Students will learn how the Earth works and how critical events in Earth history shaped their surroundings. We will explore what the Earth is made of, why there are continents and oceans, and how plate tectonics provides a unifying model to explain geological observations. Topics covered include the discovery of deep time, the relationship between geology and topography, the geology of our surroundings, plate tectonics, magnetism, chemical differentiation at subduction zones and mid-ocean ridges, mountain building, basin formation, isostasy, heat flow, convection, and feedbacks with the fluid Earth. Ultimately we will use physical processes to explain the patterns of nature. Our treatment will be quantitative with applications to other phenomena, and based on sound physics. Field trips provide opportunities to learn how to read rocks, to see data in the field, and to interpret observations in terms of their possible history and forces acting in and on the Earth.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 22 The Fluid Earth: Oceans, Atmosphere, Climate, and Environment
Peter John Huybers and Ann Pearson

This course introduces students to the fluid Earth, emphasizing Earth's weather and climate, the carbon cycle, and global environmental change. The physical concepts necessary for understanding the structure, motion and energy balance of the atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere are covered first, and then these concepts are applied in exploring major earth processes. Examples from Earth's past history, on-going changes in the climate, and implications for the future are highlighted.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 51 Introduction to Planetary Materials and Earth Resources
Stein B. Jacobsen

A comprehensive introduction to how the principles of mineralogy, phase equilibria, and the compositions of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials are used to understand the evolution of the Earth and its resources. The course will discuss how we know that the Earth's crust has more than sufficient resources for its human population.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 52 Introduction to Global Geophysics
Jerry X. Mitrovica

A comprehensive introduction to global geophysics. This course serves as a bridge between introductory Earth science courses (EPS 21, EPS 22) and higher level courses in EPS. Topics include: plate tectonics, the Earth's composition, thermal state and rheology, mantle convection, the geodynamo, the Earth's gravity field and geodesy, comparative planetology, and (modern and paleo) climate change.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 56 Geobiology and the History of Life
David T. Johnston and Andrew H. Knoll

Within our solar system, Earth is distinguished as the planet with life. Life was born of planetary processes, has been sustained for some four billion years by planetary processes, and through time has emerged as a set of planetary processes that is important in its own right. In this course we will investigate the ways that Earth and life interact, focusing in particular on the biogeochemical cycles of major elements. This will provide a framework for interpreting the history of life reconstructed from fossils and phylogeny.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 74 rField Experiences in Earth and Planetary Sciences
Francis Alexander Macdonald

Attend a domestic or overseas geological field program of 3-6 weeks duration to learn methods of obtaining, synthesizing, and interpreting field observations.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 91 rSupervised Reading and Research
Francis Macdonald and members of the Department

Supervised reading and research on topics not covered by regular courses of instruction.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 99 rTutorial - Senior Year
Zhiming Kuang and members of the Department

Research and writing of the senior thesis under faculty direction.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 100 The Missing Matlab Course: An Introduction to Programming and Data Analysis
Miaki Ishii

An overview of modern computational tools with applications to the Earth Sciences. Introduction to the MATLAB programming and visualization environment. Topics include: statistical and time series analysis, visualization of two- and three-dimensional data sets, tools for solving linear/differential equations, parameter estimation methods. Labs emphasize applications of the methods and tools to a wide range of data in Earth Sciences.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 107 Evolution of Plant Life in Geologic Time
Andrew H. Knoll

Origin, evolution, dispersal, paleoecology, and geologic history of the major groups of the plant kingdom. Laboratory study of representative groups, living and fossil.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 109 Earth Resources and the Environment
John H. Shaw

An overview of the Earth's energy and material resources. Following introductions to hydrocarbons, nuclear fuels, and other economically important ores, the course emphasizes methods used to exploit these resources and the environmental impacts of these operations. Topics include: coal and acid rain; petroleum, photochemical smog, and oil spills; nuclear power and radioactive hazards; alternative energies; metals and mining. Labs emphasize methods for discovering and exploiting resources, as well as environmental remediation approaches.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 121 Terrestrial Planets
Instructor to be determined

The physical and chemical processes that influence the initial condition, evolution, and current state of terrestrial planets, focusing on the comparative evolution of Venus, Earth, Mars, and large moons. Topics include: planet formation, evolution of atmospheres, interior composition and equations of state, core formation, differentiation, thermal evolution, and major surface modification processes.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 131 Introduction to Physical Oceanography and Climate
Eli Tziperman

Basic observations and theoretical understanding of ocean phenomena from local surface beach waves to the effects of the oceans on global climate. Observations and dynamics of ocean waves, currents, turbulence, temperature and salinity distributions; basic fluid dynamics equations; the ocean's role in climate: wind-driven circulation and the Gulf Stream, thermohaline circulation and the potential instability of Europe's climate, El Nino, the oceans and global warming.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 132 Introduction to Meteorology and Climate
Brian F. Farrell

Physical concepts necessary to understand atmospheric structure and motion. Phenomena studied include the formation of clouds and precipitation, solar and terrestrial radiation, dynamical balance of the large-scale wind, and the origin of cyclones. Concepts developed for understanding today's atmosphere are applied to understanding the record of past climate change and the prospects for climate change in the future.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 133 Atmospheric Chemistry
Steven C. Wofsy

Physical and chemical processes determining the composition of the atmosphere and its implications for climate, ecosystems, and human welfare. Construction of atmospheric composition models. Atmospheric transport. Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon cycles. Climate forcing by greenhouse gases and aerosols. Stratospheric ozone. Oxidizing power of the atmosphere. Surface air pollution: aerosols and ozone. Deposition to ecosystems: acid rain, nitrogen, mercury.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 134 Global Warming Debates: The Reading Course
Peter John Huybers and Eli Tziperman

The atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is now the highest it has been in at least 800,000 years, raising concerns regarding possible future climate changes. This seminar will survey the science of global change from the perspective of scientific debates within climate community. Specifically, the course will involve guided reading and discussion of papers that present contentious view points on the science of global change, with the goal of students learning how to scientifically evaluate these claims. Laboratories will provide students with hands on experience with some climate models and data.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 135 Physics and Chemistry: In the Context of Energy and Climate at the Global and Molecular Level
James G. Anderson

A solution to the problems set by the intersection of global energy demand and climate feedbacks requires the teaching of physics and chemistry in that context. Core topics include thermodynamics, free energy, entropy, acid-base and oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemistry, electromagnetic induction, circuit theory, AC and DC circuits, the nature of photons and of electromagnetic radiation, photochemistry, materials, catalysis, kinetics, molecular bonding, and biological processes for energy conversion and storage.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 136 Introduction to Ocean Circulation Physics
Carl Wunsch

Introduction to the physical processes governing the large-scale circulation of the ocean. Emphasis on time-changing components, observational methods used, and a survey of basic methods of analysis and theory. Topics include sea level rise, oceanic heat transport changes, and smaller-scale physics.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 141 Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry and Geochronology
Stein B. Jacobsen

The origin of the element and isotope distribution in the Earth and the Solar System. Closed system radioactive decay, isotope fractionation, mass balance and mixing. Application of Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb, Lu-Hf, Re-Os and K-Ar isotope systems for geochronology and as tracers for geological processes. Noble gas geochemistry. Extinct nuclides. Cosmogenic nuclides. U-Th-series nuclides. Planetary isotopic evolution. Stable isotope geochemistry. Application of H, C, N, O, and S isotopes as tracers of geochemical and biogeochemical processes.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 145 Introduction to Igneous Petrology and Petrogenesis
Charles H. Langmuir

How igneous rocks form and reveal the processes and fluxes involved in the circulation of the solid Earth. The course begins with the essential elements of igneous petrology-rock description and nomenclature, mineralogy, phase diagrams, processes of melting and crystallization, trace elements. We then consider the formation of igneous rocks at modern igneous settings-spreading centers, convergent margins and ocean islands. We conclude with investigations of igneous phenomenon of the past, such as large igneous flood basalt provinces, anorthosites, komatites and the igneous history of the Moon.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 146 Ocean Ridges and the Earth System
Charles H. Langmuir

Course will present our current knowledge of the ocean ridge system where two thirds of Earth's crust is continually being created. We will examine the progressive understanding of ocean ridges from a historical perspective, emphasizing the process of scientific discovery. Topics include melt generation in the mantle, magmatic processes in the crust, formation of ocean ridge topography, faulting and tectonics, hydrothermal systems, manifestations in the overlying water column, and the unique ecosystems associated with vents. Approaches must be inherently interdisciplinary, including geochemistry, geophysics, geology, hydrothermal systems, and biology. The place of the ocean ridge system within the overall Earth system will be emphasized.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 161 Planetary Physics and Global Tectonics
Richard J. O'Connell

Study of the physics and tectonic processes that govern the properties and evolution of the Earth and other planets. Covers: properties of planets and their interiors; plate tectonics on the Earth; magnetic fields of the Earth and planets; deformation and heat flow and planetary thermal evolution; melting and volcanism in planets; gravity and tidal interaction.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 162 Hydrology and Environmental Geomechanics
James R. Rice

Study of water as a critical resource and as a factor in Earth surface and near-surface processes. Focus on development of relevant mechanics and physics. Hydrologic cycle, surface and groundwater, evapotranspiration, soil physics. Flow in porous media, Darcy law, contaminant transport, remediation strategies. Poroelasticity, subsidence, well hydraulics. Seepage forces, landslides, dam failures, sediment liquefaction. Glacial processes. Stream flows, turbulence concepts. Gravity waves, flood control; tsunamis; erosion and sediment transport.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 166 Consequences of Earthquakes
Miaki Ishii

Introduction to seismology with a focus on conceptual understanding of seismic phenomena. Emphasis will be on earthquakes, e.g., detection, mechanism, characteristics, statistics, hazard, and relationship to dynamics. Broader topics such as the types of seismological data and inferences of the Earth's internal structure also will be covered.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 171 Structural Geology and Tectonics
John H. Shaw

An introduction to the deformation of Earth materials, including the processes of mountain building and plate tectonics, faulting and earthquakes, folding, and ductile deformation. Structures are examined using geologic maps, balanced cross sections, seismic reflection data, satellite imagery, microscopic analysis, analog experiments, and numerical methods. Labs emphasize the applications of structural geology in the energy and environmental industries, and for assessing earthquake hazards.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 181 Historical Geobiology
Andrew H. Knoll

A focused inquiry on the interactions of life and environment through geologic history. This term we will focus on mass extinctions, their causes and evolutionary consequences.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 182 Stratigraphy and Sedimentology
Francis Alexander Macdonald

Techniques in interpreting paleo-environmental information from sedimentary rocks, covering grain-flow, carbonates, glacial deposits, terrestrial, marginal marine, and deep-sea environments, and culminating with cyclo-stratigraphy and basin dynamics.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 186 Low Temperature Geochemistry I: Introduction to biogeochemical cycles
David T. Johnston

An introduction to low temperature biogeochemistry. We will focus on key biogeochemical elements and look to understand the linkages between the biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. The course begins with a description of marine geochemistry (alkalinity and chemical fluxes) and works toward understanding isotopic fractionation and what it can tell us about the environment. We will explore biogeochemistry over a range of physical and temporal scales.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 187 Low Temperature Geochemistry II: Modern and ancient biogeochemical processes
Ann Pearson

Introduction to biological and organic chemistry of the Earth's environment. Primary focus on formation, processing, and preservation of organic carbon, with emphasis on paleoenvironmental applications and on processes occurring at the molecular level. This class is intended to be taken in series with EPS 186.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 189 Analytical and Field Methods in Geobiology
David T. Johnston and Ann Pearson

Introduction to geobiological research methods: We will learn low temperature geochemical techniques, light stable isotope mass-spectrometry, and other microbiology methods commonly used in geobiological research. The focus will be on the cycling of biogeochemical elements (O, C, S, and Fe) in marine sediments throughout Earth history. This is a lab-based course that will be complemented with lectures.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 200 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Daniel J. Jacob and Steven C. Wofsy

Atmospheric physics and chemistry: stratospheric and tropospheric transport, photochemistry, and aerosols; stratospheric ozone loss, tropospheric pollution; biogeochemical cycles.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 201 Physics of the Earth's Interior
Richard J. O'Connell

The properties and processes of the solid Earth: Continuum mechanics; structure and state of the Earth's interior; gravity and the geoid; viscous creep and mantle flow; rotational dynamics; heat transport and mantle convection.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 202 Mechanics in Earth and Environmental Science
James R. Rice

Introduction to the mechanics of fluids and solids, organized around earth and environmental phenomena. Conservation laws, stress, deformation and flow. Inviscid fluids and ocean gravity waves; Coriolis dominated large scale flows. Viscosity and groundwater seepage; convective cells; boundary layers. Turbulent stream flows; flood surges; sediment transport. Elasticity and seismic waves. Pore fluid interactions with deformation and failure of earth materials, as in poro-mechanics of consolidation, cracking, faulting, and landslides. Ice sheets and glacial flow mechanics.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 203 Earthquakes and Faulting
Brendan J. Meade, James R. Rice, and John H. Shaw

Earthquake phenomenology in the context of plate tectonics. Continuum mechanics and elastic deformation; seismic wave radiation. Earthquake cycle models and constraints from tectonic geodesy. Earthquake geology and paleoseismology. Source physics, fault friction, rupture dynamics. Deformation rates and fault system structure. Quantitative seismic hazard analysis.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 204 Global Seismology
Miaki Ishii

Fundamental concepts used in seismology as a tool in studying the Earth's deep interior. Topics include stress/strain/elasticity theory, the seismic wave equation, ray theory, surface waves and normal modes, source theory, and inverse methods.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 205 Geophysics: A Primer
Jerry X. Mitrovica

An introductory treatment of solid Earth geophysics for graduate students in all EPS and SEAS disciplines. The course will cover a sampling of topics that all Earth scientists should have knowledge of, whether to facilitate applications to their own research or to simply follow departmental seminars in geophysics. Topics include: the Earth's composition and internal boundaries; qualitative and quantitative plate tectonics; the Earth's energy budget, isostasy; Earth rheology, with examples from seismology, tides, glacial isostatic adjustment and mantle convection; the Earth's gravity field and geodesy; planetary rotation. Physical concepts will be emphasized over mathematical derivations. While there are no formal pre-requisites for the course, some training in calculus, ordinary and partial differential equations would be helpful. Extra class time and material will be available for students without this background.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 206 Solid Earth Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry: A Primer
Stein B. Jacobsen

The course emphasizes the principles of geochemistry and cosmochemistry and their application to important problems in Earth and Planetary Sciences. Problems to be addressed include planet formation and differentiation and the evolution of planetary mantles and crusts. Topics include: the Earth's composition; laboratory studies of rocks and minerals including laboratory exercises in high precision mass spectrometry; isotope and trace element geochemistry; application of chemical thermodynamics to problems in earth and planetary sciences.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 207 rGeochemical Oceanography
Daniel P. Schrag

Topics in low-temperature geochemistry, oceanography, and climatology will be discussed. Students will read and present journal articles on relevant topics, and will rotate responsibility for leading discussions.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 208 Physics of Climate
Zhiming Kuang

Overview of the basic features of the climate system (global energy balance, atmospheric general circulation, ocean circulation, and climate variability) and the underlying physical processes.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 210 Introduction to Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry
Instructor to be determined

The course emphasizes the principles of isotope and trace element geochemistry and their application to relevant problems in Earth and Planetary Sciences. Problems to be addressed include planet formation and differentiation, ocean chemistry, and climate reconstruction.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 231 Climate Dynamics
Eli Tziperman

Climate and climate variability phenomena and dynamical mechanisms over multiple time scales, using dynamical system tools and a hierarchical modeling approach. Energy balance and greenhouse, El Nino, thermohaline circulation, abrupt climate change, millennial variability (DO and Heinrich events), glacial-interglacial cycles, warm past climates including the Pliocene (2-5 Myrs) and Eocene (50 Myrs). Needed background in stochastic and nonlinear dynamics will be covered.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 232 Dynamic Meteorology
Brian F. Farrell

The atmosphere understood as a fluid dynamical system. Observations of atmospheric motions related to weather and climate. Application of the equations of atmospheric dynamics to explaining phenomena such as jet streams, cyclones and fronts.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 234 Topics in Generalized Stability Theory
Brian F. Farrell

An introduction to the ideas and approaches to dynamics of generalized stability theory. Topics include autonomous and non-autonomous operator stability, stochastic turbulence models and linear inverse models. Students will learn the concepts behind non-normal thinking and how to apply these ideas in geophysical fluid dynamics and climate problems.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 236 Environmental Modeling
Steven C. Wofsy and Daniel J. Jacob

Chemical transport models: principles, numerical methods. Inverse models: Bayes' theorem, optimal estimation, Kalman filter, adjoint methods. Analysis of environmental data: visualization, time series analysis, Monte Carlo methods, statistical assessment. Students prepare projects and presentations.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 238 Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer of Planetary Atmospheres
Kelly V. Chance

Absorption, emission, and scattering of planetary atmospheres, emphasizing Earth. Atmospheric spectroscopic properties for various measurement geometries. Quantitative spectroscopy and atmospheric structure are reviewed. Radiative transfer modeling and simulation and interpretation of atmospheric spectra from microwave through ultraviolet.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 239 The Consequences of Energy Systems
Daniel P. Schrag

This course provides an introduction to the physical and chemical impacts of energy choices on human society and natural ecosystems. Topics will include the carbon cycle, climate, air and water pollution, impacts of energy systems on health, land use consequences of energy technologies, and nuclear waste and proliferation.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 240 rGeochemical Modeling of Planetary Surfaces, Interiors and Formation
Stein B. Jacobsen

A review of various computer programs available for computation of geochemical equilibria at low and high temperatures and low and high pressures. The thermodynamic basis for the programs and a critical discussion of the available thermodynamic data bases for such computations. Applications to modeling of planetary surfaces, interiors and formation, in particular including modeling of elements with multiple oxidation states.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 241 rIsotope Geochemistry and Processes of Planetary Evolution
Stein B. Jacobsen

The composition and the evolution of the Solar Nebula. Application of radiogenic and stable isotopes to study the processes of formation and evolution of planetary crusts, mantles, and cores.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 243 rGeochemical and Cosmochemical Thermodynamics
Stein B. Jacobsen

The laws of thermodynamics. Equilibrium and spontaneous transformations in systems of variable chemical composition. Components, phase rule and petrogenetic grids. Calculation of phase diagrams. Applications to cosmochemistry, igneous and metamorphic petrology, and environmental geochemistry.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 245 Petrological Approaches to Understanding the Earth's System
Charles H. Langmuir

The course studies the igneous processes at spreading centers, convergent margins and hot spots, and explores their influences on mantle, crust, ocean and atmosphere and the constraints they provide for the plate tectonic geochemical cycle.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 250 rTopics in Planetary Sciences
Instructor to be determined

Research seminar on current problems in planetary sciences.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 255 rTopics in Tropical Dynamics
Zhiming Kuang

Research seminar on current problems in tropical dynamics. Students will read and present journal articles on relevant topics, and will rotate responsibility for leading discussions.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 261 Sea Level Change
Jerry X. Mitrovica

The physical processes responsible for sea level changes over time scales extending from hours to hundreds of millions of years. Long-term sea-level trends: geological observations, physical mechanisms and eustasy, dynamic topography. Sea-level change on an ice age Earth (glacial isostatic adjustment, GIA): observations, viscoelastic loading, mantle viscosity, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), interglacial sea-level change, ongoing GIA. Ocean tides: equilibrium and non-equilibrium effects, tidal dissipation. Modern global sea level change: tide gauge and geodetic observations, ice melting and thermal expansion, closing the sea-level budget, sea-level fingerprinting.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 262 Theoretical Seismology
Miaki Ishii

Theoretical aspects of seismology with strong emphasis on global free-oscillation seismology. Topics include continuum mechanics, equations of motion, linearization, perturbation theory, elasticity & anelasticity, rotation & ellipticity, spheroidal & toroidal modes of the Earth, mode splitting, and multiplet coupling.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 265 rTopics in Geodynamics
Richard J. O'Connell

Topics in the dynamics of processes and properties in the Earth's interior, including: thermal convection and flow in the mantle, rheology of the mantle, plate motions, plate deformation, physical properties of rocks and minerals.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 266 rComputational Tools in Seismology
Miaki Ishii

Seminar course that investigates computational tools that are readily available. Students will select one to two techniques (e.g., receiver functions and focal mechanism determination), present the basis, current research using the technique(s), and lead the class through installation and application of the method.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 269 rTopics in Crustal Dynamics
Brendan J. Meade and John H. Shaw

Research seminar on current problems of tectonics, faulting, and earthquake occurrence at the Pacific-North America plate boundary in California. Emphasis on the identification of extant problems that may be resolved with contemporary geologic, geophysical, and geodetic data analysis and process based modeling.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 270 rAdvanced Structural Interpretation Methods
John H. Shaw

Methods of interpreting complex geologic structures imaged in 2- and 3-dimensional seismic reflection data. Methods of integrated geologic and remote sensing data will be described. Students will complete independent projects analyzing seismic data on workstations.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 272 rTopics in Structural Geology
John H. Shaw

Seminar course investigating recent advances in structural geology and exploration geophysics with applications in earthquake science and the petroleum industry. Specific topics vary from year to year.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 274 rField Geology
Francis Alexander Macdonald

Attend an advanced domestic or overseas geological field program of 3-6 weeks duration to learn methods of obtaining, synthesizing, and interpreting field observations.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 281 rGreat Papers in Earth Sciences
Peter John Huybers and Eli Tziperman

A survey and discussion of groundbreaking papers from across the Earth sciences.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 282 rNew Views on the Tectonic Evolution of the Appalachians
Francis Alexander Macdonald

Readings and discussions on current problems in stratigraphy and Earth history. Students will read and present journal articles on relevant topics, and will rotate responsibility for leading discussions.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 286 rCurrent Topics in Biogeochemistry I: Biological and Inorganic Stable Isotope Systematics
David T. Johnston and Ann Pearson

This is a reading class aimed at touring the literature on light stable isotope systematics. Topics covered will range from classic applications in geology (diagenetic and high temperature exchange), through to more novel isotope systems (clumping, 17O, etc.) and applications in biological systems (for instance, those effects associated with RuBiSCo). Topics covered will also flex with the interest of the enrolled students.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 290 Scientific Communication
Instructor to be determined

Teaches students how to effectively, communicate scientific concepts focusing on short oral presentations based on current journal articles drawn from Earth and Planetary Sciences. Technical presentation skills (planning, delivery, managing nervousness, etc.) developed through weekly practice and detailed feedback.

Earth and Planetary Sciences 330 Climate Atmospheric Chemistry and Free Radical Kinetics

Earth and Planetary Sciences 331 Atmospheric Chemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences 332 Dynamic Meteorology

Earth and Planetary Sciences 333 Environmental Chemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences 334 Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences 335 Climate Dynamics and Physical Oceanography

Earth and Planetary Sciences 336 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Earth and Planetary Sciences 337 Biological Oceanography

Earth and Planetary Sciences 338 Atmospheric Chemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences 339 Biogeochemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences 340 Topics in Isotope Geochemistry: Research Seminar

Earth and Planetary Sciences 341 Isotope Geochemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences 342 Topics in Atmospheric and Climate Dynamics

Earth and Planetary Sciences 343 Topics in Quantitative Analysis of the Climate Record

Earth and Planetary Sciences 344 Topics in Stable Isotope Geochemistry and Geochemical Oceanography

Earth and Planetary Sciences 345 Solid Earth Geochemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences 362 Dynamo Theory: Research Seminar

Earth and Planetary Sciences 363 Mechanics of Earth and Environmental Processes

Earth and Planetary Sciences 364 Geophysics

Earth and Planetary Sciences 365 Geophysics

Earth and Planetary Sciences 367 Global Geodynamics

Earth and Planetary Sciences 368 Seismology

Earth and Planetary Sciences 369 Topics in Active Tectonics

Earth and Planetary Sciences 370 Structural Analysis

Earth and Planetary Sciences 380 Topics in Geology and Earth History

Earth and Planetary Sciences 381 Topics in Stable Isotope Geobiology and Earth History

Earth and Planetary Sciences 387 Paleobotany