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Department - ASTR

Astronomy 2 Celestial Navigation
Philip M. Sadler

Never be lost again! Find your way on sea, land, or air by employing celestial and terrestrial techniques. Acquire expertise in using navigators' tools (sextant, compass, and charts) while learning the steps to the celestial dance of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. This 108-year-old course continues to rely on practical skills and collaborative problem-solving, while utilizing historical artifacts (instruments, maps, captains' logs) and student-built devices. Culminating in a day-long cruise to practice navigation skills.

Astronomy 16 Stellar and Planetary Astronomy
John Asher Johnson

This course provides an introduction to the physical principles describing the formation and evolution of stars and their planetary companions. Topics include thermal radiation and stellar spectra; telescopes; energy generation in stars; stellar evolution; orbital dynamics; the Solar system; and exoplanets. This course includes an observational component: students will determine the distance to the Sun, and use the Clay Telescope atop the Science Center to study stellar evolution and detect exoplanets.

Astronomy 17 Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy
Daniel James Eisenstein

This course provides an introduction to the physical principles describing galaxies and the composition and evolution of the Universe. Topics include the interstellar medium; star clusters; the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way; other galaxies; clusters of galaxies; active galaxies and quasars; cosmology; and the early universe. This course includes an observational component: In addition to observing galaxies with the Science Center Clay Telescope, students will use the millimeter-wavelength telescope at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to measure the rotation velocity of the Milky Way galaxy and to determine its mass.

Astronomy 91 rSupervised Reading and Research
Abraham Loeb and members of the Department

Supervised reading and research in a subject of astrophysics that is not normally included in the regular course offerings of the department.

Astronomy 98 Research Tutorial in Astrophysics
Charles Conroy, and members of the Department

This tutorial introduces students to research at the forefront of astrophysics, and provides opportunities for students to meet with research scientists and individuals active in science policy, education, and journalism. Students meet weekly for a lecture and discussion over dinner with a guest speaker, preceded by a reading and a preparatory seminar. Students will be mentored throughout the term on a research project of their choosing. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is home to one of the largest groups of astronomers in the world, providing extensive opportunities for undergraduate research.

Astronomy 99 Senior Thesis in Astrophysics
Charles Alcock

Individually supervised reading and research leading to the senior thesis. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is home to one of the largest groups of astronomers in the world, providing extensive opportunities for undergraduate research.

Astronomy 100 Methods of Observational Astronomy
Edo Berger

In this course we will learn the basic tools of modern astronomical research, including telescopes, detectors, imaging, spectroscopy, and common software. Emphasis will be placed on both the theory behind telescopes and their use, and hands-on experience with real data. Using this basic knowledge we will analyze science-level astronomical data from a wide range of telescopes and review the basic properties of stars, galaxies, and other astronomical objects of interest. The course includes a trip to the F. L. Whipple Observatory on Mount Hopkins, Arizona, to gather data with various telescopes.

Astronomy 120 Stellar Physics
Alicia M. Soderberg

Stars are the basic building blocks of galaxies and are responsible for the nucleosynthesis of most of the elements. Topics include stellar structure; energy transport in stars; stellar atmospheres; astroseismology; nuclear fusion in stars; stellar evolution; nucleosynthesis of the elements; stellar death and supernovae; the degenerate remnants of stars; black holes. This course will make use of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics, but will review these subjects as necessary.

Astronomy 130 Cosmology
Douglas Finkbeiner

The physical model describing the initial conditions, evolution, and ultimate fate of the Universe. Topics include cosmic dynamics; the Robertson-Walker Metric; curvature; estimating cosmological parameters; the accelerating universe; dark matter; gravitational lensing; the cosmic microwave background; nucleosynthesis; inflation and the very early universe; formation of structure. Note: Offered in alternate years.

Astronomy 151 Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
Lars Hernquist

Fluid and gas dynamics with applications drawn from astrophysical phenomena. Topics include: kinetic theory, diffusive effects, incompressible fluids, inviscid and viscous flows, boundary layer theory, accretion disks, fluid instabilities, turbulence, convection, gas dynamics, linear (sound) waves, method of characteristics, Riemann invariants, supersonic flow, non-linear waves, shocks, similarity solutions, blast waves, radiative shocks, ionization fronts, magnetohygrodynamics, hydromagnetic shocks, dynamos, gravitational collapse, principles of plasma physics, Landau damping, computational approaches, stability criteria, particle based (Lagrangian) methods, adaptive mesh refinement, radiation hydrodynamics.

Astronomy 185 Orders of Magnitude
Instructor to be determined

This course offers an introduction to order-of-magnitude estimation, as applied to astrophysical systems. Emphasis will be placed on research triage---how to decide which theoretical and observational ideas merit in depth exploration. Example topics include diffusion and viscosity; material properties; gas drag; collisional dynamics; radiative and non-radiative cooling mechanisms; the structure of astrophysical disks; and turbulence.

Astronomy 189 Exoplanet Systems
David Charbonneau

A survey of the rapidly evolving field of exoplanets with the goal of equipping students with the ability to identify and pursue research questions. Topics include observational methods and instrumentation to detect and characterize exoplanets; properties of stellar hosts; formation and dynamical evolution of planetary systems; composition and physical structure of planets; planetary atmospheres; habitable zones and biosignatures.

Astronomy 191 Astrophysics Laboratory
John M. Kovac

Laboratory and observational projects in astrophysics. Students design and undertake two projects from a selection including: observational studies of the cosmic microwave background radiation, molecules in interstellar clouds, the rotation of the galaxy, galactic molecular sources with the submillimeter array (SMA), stars and clusters with the Clay Telescope; and laboratory experiments including super-conducting submillimeter detectors, x-ray CCDs, and hard x-ray imaging detectors and telescopes.

Astronomy 193 Noise and Data Analysis in Astrophysics
Aneta Siemiginowska & Vinay Kashyap

Introduction to Astronomical data and analysis with a view to obtaining reliable inferences. Includes the basics of signal processing like Fourier Transforms and wavelets, non-parametric tests, and stochastic processes. Covers basic Bayesian analysis, starting from probability theory, model fitting and selection, parameter estimation, and MCMC. Also covers image processing, including filtering, deconvolution, adaptive smoothing, and source detection.

Astronomy 200 Radiative Processes in Astrophysics
Ramesh Narayan

This course offers a survey of radiative processes of astrophysical importance from radio waves to gamma rays. Topics include thermal and non-thermal processes, including bremsstrahlung, synchrotron radiation, and Compton scattering; radiation in plasmas; atomic and molecular spectra.

Astronomy 201 aStellar Astrophysics
Steven Robert Cranmer

Stars are the basic building blocks of the universe, and they are responsible for the production of most elements via nucleosynthesis. This course covers the energy generation and transport in stars, stellar atmospheres and radiative transfer, stellar evolution, and asteroseismology. The Sun and its heliosphere are also studied as the closest and best-studied examples of a star and its circumstellar plasma. This course also provides a brief survey of planetary astrophysics, including the dominant processes acting in the interiors and atmospheres of planets in our own solar system and in others.

Astronomy 201 bInterstellar Medium and Star Formation
Karin Oberg

The interstellar medium (ISM) is the reservoir of gas and dust between stars. It is the nursery of new stars and planets, and the depository of energy and material from stellar winds and supernovae. This course will treat the often extreme physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium under its observed range of temperatures, densities, and radiation fields. It will cover the processes that govern the interactions between the ISM, stars and their host galaxies, including star and planet formation, and feedback from stellar deaths. The observational and laboratory methods and results that underpin the theories of interstellar environments will be highlighted.

Astronomy 202 aGalaxies and Dynamics
Daniel James Eisenstein

An overview of extragalactic astronomy. Galaxy formation, evolution and properties, galactic dynamics, clustering, gas dynamics, star formation and other topics at the frontiers of extragalactic astronomy.

Astronomy 202 bCosmology
Daniel James Eisenstein and John M. Kovac

The cosmological principle: isotropy and homogeneity, cosmological world models, thermal history of the Big Bang, the microwave background, inflation, growth of density fluctuations, large scale structure and other topics at the frontiers of cosmology.

Astronomy 215 hfTopics in Contemporary Astrophysics
Edo Berger

This full year half course will cover a broad range of contemporary topics in observational and theoretical astrophysics through a set of 10-12 two-week modules taught by members of the Astronomy Department faculty. The course will meet twice per week, and each module will be comprised of a stand-alone topic with a single homework assignment. Enrolled students will be required to sign up for the full year and attend half of the offered modules.

Astronomy 218 Radio Astronomy
James M. Moran

Historical development; diffraction theory of antennas and interferometers; signal detection and measurement techniques. Thermal, synchrotron and spectral-line emission in the context of radio observations of the sun, planets, pulsars, masers, hydrogen clouds, molecular clouds, ionized regions, active galaxies, quasars, and the cosmic background. Observational projects and laboratory exercises carried out with the Submillimeter Array, Haystack Observatory and the CMB Laboratory.

Astronomy 219 High Energy Astrophysics
Jonathan E. Grindlay and Alexey A. Vikhlinin

Discussion of relativistic and high-energy astrophysical phenomena and observational techniques. Accretion onto compact stars (white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes); active galactic nuclei, galaxy clusters. Gamma-ray bursts and cosmic rays. X-ray and gamma-ray background.

Astronomy 231 Practical Optics for Astronomers
Andrew Szentgyorgyi

he primary goal of this course is to familiarize consumers of astronomical data with the fundamental physical principles that underlie the instruments that they use to gather data, as well as provide insight into the engineering constraints that bound the capabilities of available instruments. Topics will include first order optical design principles, the design of telescopes, cameras and spectrographs, as well as basic optical engineering principles and computer aided design.

Astronomy 251 Quantum Mechanics for Astrophysics
Lars Hernquist

Quantum mechanics with applications to atomic and molecular processes important in astronomical environments. Atomic and molecular structure; spectroscopy (selection rules, oscillator strengths, photoionization); scattering theory (elastic, inelastic, approximate methods); line broadening; collision processes (cross sections, rate coefficients) involving electrons, ions, atoms, and molecules.

Astronomy 253 Plasma Astrophysics
Steven Robert Cranmer and Nicholas Murphy

This course provides an introduction to plasma physics and plasma processes in an astrophysical context. Topics include charged particle motions, kinetic theory, magnetohydrodynamics, waves, instabilities, dynamos, shocks, particle acceleration, and magnetic reconnection. Specific applications may include solar and stellar coronae (including flares), interplanetary space plasmas, magnetized accretion disks, cosmic rays, galactic dynamos, and interstellar turbulence.

Astronomy 300 Topics in Modern Astrophysics

A seminar, reading, or research course may be arranged with any of the faculty listed. Students can also arrange to obtain Astronomy 300 credit for reading or research with scientific staff members of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; consult Astronomy Department office.

Astronomy 301 hfJournal Club

Each week two speakers (faculty, lecturers, and students) will report on current research in astronomy, providing students with an opportunity to practice the organization and presentation of technical material. A minimum of one presentation will be expected from each student each year focused on their own research or new results in the literature. Faculty will similarly discuss recent results from the literature, as well as their own research as a way to provide an overview of research activities at the Harvard Astronomy Department. The course is intended as an opportunity for substantive discussion, as an opportunity to find out about research activities, and to foster interaction between the students and faculty.

Astronomy 302 Scientists Teaching Science

Learn the secrets of lecturing well, leading discussions, connecting to real-world applications, and creating tests in any scientific discipline as we focus on relevant educational research and case studies, plus engage in practical classroom activities.