Configuring Apache in Useful Ways

Note: Apache can be configured through its httpd.conf file and/or through an access control file (typically named ".htaccess") placed in directories. When you are experimenting with a server that you are running, you may use either method. When you are working on your FAS account, you can only use directives within access control files, since the Web server httpd.conf file is not under your control. The examples presented here will work with ".htaccess" files on Remember that your ".htaccess" files must be "readable" by the web server.

Also, note that runs Stronghold 2.4, which is based upon Apache 1.3.0. Some of the features you may see in the Apache documentation apply only to version 1.3.1 and higher.

As always, reading the documentation is a good idea before asking questions:

Apache 1.3.4 Documentation: (local copy)

Stronghold 2.4 Documentation:


Customized Error Documents

ErrorDocument error-code {string|url}

ErrorDocument 404 /~cscie12/response404.html

ErrorDocument 500 /~cscie12/response500.html

ErrorDocument 403 /~cscie12/response403.html

ErrorDocument 401 /~cscie12/response401.html


Expires HTTP Response Header

ExpiresActive On

ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000 # expire gifs in 30 days

ExpiresByType text/html A86400 # expire html in 1 day


Arbitrary HTTP Response Headers

Header [set|append|add] header value

Header unset header


Redirecting URLs

See the directives:

Redirect permanent /~cscie12/assign.html /~cscie12/assignments/


URL Rewriting Engine

We will see an example of how to redirect "Lynx" users to a text-only version of the site – but this module can do much, much more!

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /~cscie12

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Lynx

RewriteRule ^(index.html)?$ text/


Access Control and Authentication

Access control and authentication are covered in detail as part of the next section on security.